MakerTour lives on: after Europe, Asia
In 2015, two fans of the maker movement conceived MakerTour, a journey through France and Europe. Following their lead, MakerTour Asia was launched two years later. We look back on their journeys.
Published 9 January 2018 by la rédaction
In 2015, two fans of the maker movement conceived MakerTour, a journey through France and Europe. Following their lead, MakerTour Asia was launched two years later. We look back on their journeys.
Published 16 January 2017 by DCALK (Paris/Bruxelles)
Constant in Brussels is exhibiting “(New) Objects in Common: Peggy” by the Libre Objet collective. Our DCALK columnists introduce this open source furniture project for fablabs.
Published 5 April 2016
Le fablab grenoblois La Casemate a décidé de mettre à disposition gratuitement son outil de gestion de lab.
Published 9 June 2015 by Carine Claude
From the 11th until the 14th of June, l’Atelier des chercheurs is presenting at Futur en Seine Do Doc, an educational documentation station that inspired Opendoc, a new tool for fablabs.