Makers, open your boxes!
For coding, prototyping or just having fun, makers are outdoing each with clever ways to fit digital fabrication into a box. Part 1 of our selection of kits and cases.
Published 28 February 2017 by Carine Claude
For coding, prototyping or just having fun, makers are outdoing each with clever ways to fit digital fabrication into a box. Part 1 of our selection of kits and cases.
Published 6 December 2016 by Cherise Fong
Fablab Setagaya, the 18th and newest addition to the Fablab Japan network, is officially open since November 1, 2016 in a micro village of arts and crafts in the southwest of Tokyo.
Published 22 February 2016 by Ewen Chardronnet
The Finnish designer Jussi Ängeslevä presented the fruit of three years of research to redefine prototyping at the Berlin Transmediale.
Published 5 January 2016 by Cherise Fong
Made in Japan, Mesh is the latest prototyping kit for all, allowing anyone to playfully appropriate the Internet of Things—following in the footsteps of U.S. start-up Littlebits and European initiative SAM.
Published 6 July 2015 by Quentin Chevrier
The oldest French fablab hosts start-ups. Makery met four of them.
Published 9 June 2015 by Carine Claude
As the Internet of Things takes off, prototyping kits are all the rage. Makery shows you what's new in 2015.
Published 3 February 2015 by Quentin Chevrier
(Français) Retour en images sur la 1ère édition du Bricole it Yourself, avec une imprimante 3D manuelle, un hack synthétiseur, le suicide d'une cassette VHS, un filtre à particules...
Published 25 November 2014 by Carine Claude
Our Top 10 of prototyping kits. They are offering makers a broader choice of circuit boards to create their projects faster and faster.
Published 14 October 2014 by Fabien Eychenne
Explore the local playground of DIY paulistas with Fabien Eychenne, a fablab specialist who recently relocated to Brazil’s economic capital.
Published 23 September 2014 by Quentin Chevrier
A huge high-tech prototyping workshop: this is Usine IO in Paris. Guided tour with Gary Cige, co-founder.