(Français) Avec le Bicitractor, pour labourer, pédalez!
Le prototype de tracteur à pédales Aggrozouk (ex-Bicitractor) s'exposait pendant la Paris Design Week. Une alternative DiY et écolo aux machines industrielles coûteuses.
Published 13 September 2016 by Carine Claude
Le prototype de tracteur à pédales Aggrozouk (ex-Bicitractor) s'exposait pendant la Paris Design Week. Une alternative DiY et écolo aux machines industrielles coûteuses.
Published 20 November 2015 by Elsa Ferreira
DIY, inexpensive and open source: Open Source Ecology has been reinventing collaborative energy. The French branch is launching its first project, the solar concentrator.
Published 22 September 2015 by Camille Bosqué
“We've been here since August 15, it won't be easy going back to normal life.” A few hours before the closing of POC21, we went to see the eco-hackers' solutions for the green transition.
Published 11 September 2015 by Ophélia Noor
From mid-August, one hundred makers prototyped the transition to an eco-friendly world near Paris. Ophélia Noor describes a typical day at this camp for a zero carbone, zero waste society.