CNES and Open Space Makers launch their Tour de France
The French space agency (CNES) backs an organization in order to facilitate the development of open source space projects in fablabs, hackerspaces and other spaces for collaborative making.
Published 27 February 2018 by Ewen Chardronnet
The French space agency (CNES) backs an organization in order to facilitate the development of open source space projects in fablabs, hackerspaces and other spaces for collaborative making.
Published 29 June 2017 by la rédaction
They organized in May a seminar on biohacking in healthcare. Thomas Hervé Mboa Nkoudou and Jérôme Avom explain the potential of open science for developing countries.
Published 31 March 2017 by la rédaction
The Gosh community gathered on March 22-25 in Santiago, Chile. Report from Freyja van den Boom, a researcher and supporter of Open Knowledge International.
Published 20 February 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
Which one of a drone or a 3D printer is faster to deliver umbilical pliers in a disaster area? Enquiry on makers with a cause.
Published 7 June 2016
Developers, users and DIYers of the Open Science Hardware network GOSH published a manifesto for an “open science equipment on a global scale”.
Published 9 February 2016 by Ewen Chardronnet
The 29th Transmediale in Berlin was dominated by talks and panel discussions rather than exhibitions, raising the issues of civil liberties in a tense Europe. Report.
Published 5 October 2015 by Camille Bosqué
En mai a été lancée l'idée d'un réseau national des fablabs. Olivier Gendrin, coordinateur du chantier de la future association et Emmanuelle Roux, du FacLab, échangent sur la difficulté à construire cette fédération.
Published 9 June 2015 by Carine Claude
As the Internet of Things takes off, prototyping kits are all the rage. Makery shows you what's new in 2015.
Published 19 January 2015 by Carine Claude
Urbolienne, the first urban open source micro wind turbine, could soon be the next big thing in domestic renewable energy.
Published 25 November 2014 by Carine Claude
Our Top 10 of prototyping kits. They are offering makers a broader choice of circuit boards to create their projects faster and faster.
Published 18 November 2014 by Jullian Champenois
After four years of research and 30 generations of prototypes, project Protei of autonomous sailboats cleaning the ocean is on the brink of becoming a reality.
Published 17 October 2014 by Jullian Champenois
SAM completed its KickStarter campaign in 3 days, and just won 3 prizes at New York's Maker Faire. This Internet of Things development kit allows you to forget about coding.