Electric Wonderland: The chilly willy of maker camps, run by wizards
From july 21 to 28, the 6th edition of Electric Wonderland in Baške Oštarije, Croatia. gathered makers, tinkerers and artists. Makery was there sketching their secrets.
Published 14 August 2024 by Roger Pibernat
From july 21 to 28, the 6th edition of Electric Wonderland in Baške Oštarije, Croatia. gathered makers, tinkerers and artists. Makery was there sketching their secrets.
Published 14 October 2023 by Roger Pibernat
From September 13 to 23, the Schmiede festival took place, bringing together artists, hackers, coders, videographers and more. Makery was there and draws their portraits.
Published 21 August 2023 by Roger Pibernat
It's the beginning of August. All Europe is taken by vacation. All? No! The small village of Soča, in Slovenia, is taken by hackers, makers, artists and other techno-explorers.
Published 12 October 2022 by Maxence Grugier
For the past 20 years, the Smiths of Schmiede have been gathering in the Old Saline of Hallein in Austria. Ten days of wild collaboration that culminate in an extravagant group exhibition.
Published 24 August 2022 by Elsa Ferreira
On August 5-11, the Croatian makerspace Radiona hosted Electric Wonderland, a summer camp of DIY synths and creative circuits among campers and hikers in the Velebit mountains.
Published 8 August 2022 by Elsa Ferreira
What are 65 hackers, makers, artists, musicians and other techno-explorers doing in the middle of the Slovenian Alps?
Published 8 August 2022 by Elsa Ferreira
What are 65 hackers, makers, artists, musicians and other techno-explorers doing in the middle of the Slovenian Alps?
Published 8 December 2021 by la rédaction
MakersXchange is conducting in-depth interviews of makers about mobility, good practices for social inclusion and skills development. Meet Miha Turšič from Waag.
Published 18 November 2021 by la rédaction
MakersXchange is conducting in-depth interviews of makers about mobility, good practices for social inclusion and skills development. Meet Simone Ferrecchia from Digijeunes.
Published 18 November 2021 by la rédaction
MakersXchange is conducting in-depth interviews of makers about mobility, good practices for social inclusion and skills development. Interview with Malte Hertz Jansen from Foreningen Maker (DK).
Published 27 October 2021 by la rédaction
MakersXchange is conducting in-depth interviews of makers about mobility, good practices for social inclusion and skills development. Meet Enrico Bassi from OpenDot in Milano.
Published 12 October 2021 by la rédaction
MakersXchange is conducting in-depth interviews of makers about mobility, good practices for social inclusion and skills development. Interview with Mika Cimolini and Urška Krivograd, from the Centre for Creativity (Slovenia).
Published 21 December 2020 by la rédaction
MakersXchange examines mobility programs for makers to better understand their needs for a future pilot program. New interview with Samuel Kalifa, the founder of Critical Concrete in Porto.
Published 18 December 2020 by la rédaction
MakersXchange examines mobility programs for makers to better understand their needs for a future pilot program. Encounter with Anja Groten, co-founder of Hackers & Designers in Amsterdam.
Published 18 December 2020 by la rédaction
MakersXchange examines mobility programs for makers to better understand their needs for a future pilot program. New interview with Stephen Kovats from r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation.
Published 15 December 2020 by la rédaction
MakersXchange examines mobility programs for makers to better understand their needs for a future pilot program. Here we meet Karim Asry, creative director at Espacio Open in Bilbao, Spain.
Published 7 December 2020 by la rédaction
MakersXchange examines mobility programs for makers to better understand their needs for a future pilot program. Interview with Alexandre Rousselet from Vulca association.
Published 3 December 2020
Makers’ eXchange (MAX), a pilot program supported by the European Union, proposes grants towards makers in order to support online collaborations to happen during February 2021.
Published 30 November 2020 by Ewen Chardronnet
MakersXchange: meet Thierry M’Baye, founder of m.e.u.h/Lab, musician, artist and community facilitator for makers and social entrepreneurs in Roubaix, France and Belgium.
Published 30 October 2020 by la rédaction
New interview on Makers' Mobility with Deborah Hustić, creative director, project manager, curator and co-founder of Radiona – Zagreb Makerspace in Croatia.