Burning Man: In the beginning, there were makers
Since 1986, the Burning Man festival has set the Black Rock desert in Nevada on fire. As this 30th edition begins on August 28, Makery investigated this place of technomakers.
Published 30 August 2016 by Elsa Ferreira
Since 1986, the Burning Man festival has set the Black Rock desert in Nevada on fire. As this 30th edition begins on August 28, Makery investigated this place of technomakers.
Published 7 July 2016 by Elsa Ferreira
With 21 million views, Wintergatan’s Marble Machine is a YouTube hit. Interview with its creator, Martin Molin, a born maker.
Published 10 May 2016 by Annick Rivoire
7,500 visitors at the 2016 Fablab Festival to discover the maker movement. This meeting is also one for the community that has structured itself into the French network of fablabs.
Published 2 May 2016 by la rédaction
Nice score! For its 3rd edition in Paris on April 30 and May 1, the Maker Faire doubles its attendance levels with 65,000 visitors. Let’s take a look at a non-stop weekend of maker frenzy.
Published 5 April 2016 by Cherise Fong
By the end of 2017, robots made by makers will be exploring the Moon, the culmination of the Google Lunar Xprize. Japanese team Hakuto is busy working on its final prototype.
Published 14 December 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Our selection of gifts to transform all those little geeks who demand the latest game console into apprentice makers who learn the rules of tinkering by doing.
Published 4 May 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Advanced prototyping for the MakerBox, the gift box project from "Usbek & Rica". Before the public launch in October, Makery was among the proto-testers at WoMa.
Published 4 May 2015 by Camille Bosqué
Interview with French sociologist Michel Lallement, who writes in “Maker era” his one year immersed at Noisebridge, a hackerspace in San Francisco.
Published 27 April 2015
You know about community management, the maker culture, and can talk english?
Published 7 April 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Resounding success for the “Fête de la récup” (Reuse party) this weekend in Paris. Some 15,000 curious people, solidarity-based players and makers participated in the recycling centre workshops.
Published 31 March 2015 by Felipe Fonseca
Felipe Fonseca co-founded the MetaReciclagem network in 2002. This “historical” maker denounces the entrepreneurial drift of the movement in “Repair culture” and here, for Makery.
Published 17 March 2015 by Caroline Grellier
As TRATECH, a sort of maker faire in Ghana, comes to a close, Léonce Atanley, never without an Arduino in his backpack, tells Makery about his future projects as an experienced maker for Africa.
Published 2 February 2015 by Caroline Grellier
The designer Caroline Grellier keeps the diary of her project of viticulture by-products upgrading. Her Cooperative is now doubly incubated by Agro Valo Méditerranée and Alter’Incub.
Published 24 November 2014 by la rédaction
Makery offers you an extract from “Digital Craftsmen” e-book. Johan Söderberg, researcher in information technology, questions intellectual property in the fablab era.
Published 14 October 2014 by Fabien Eychenne
Explore the local playground of DIY paulistas with Fabien Eychenne, a fablab specialist who recently relocated to Brazil’s economic capital.