Google gives up on the Moon
There will be no Google-sponsored robot on the Moon. On January 23, the Lunar XPrize officially announced that it was ending the competition.
Published 6 February 2018
There will be no Google-sponsored robot on the Moon. On January 23, the Lunar XPrize officially announced that it was ending the competition.
Published 19 December 2017 by Rob La Frenais
How can we prepare the cohabitation of robots and humans on the Moon? Artists and space experts discussed the issues at the first workshop of the Moon Village Association in Strasbourg, France.
Published 5 April 2016 by Cherise Fong
By the end of 2017, robots made by makers will be exploring the Moon, the culmination of the Google Lunar Xprize. Japanese team Hakuto is busy working on its final prototype.