Coders wary after Microsoft acquires GitHub
Microsoft has acquired GitHub for 7.5 billion dollars. The news has raised concerns within the community of open source developers.
Published 5 June 2018
Microsoft has acquired GitHub for 7.5 billion dollars. The news has raised concerns within the community of open source developers.
Published 5 July 2016
The French National Institute for computer science and applied mathematics (Inria) puts online Software Heritage, a platform that archives free software and calls for contribution.
Published 16 June 2016 by Olivier Blondeau
What are commons exactly? The defense of informational common goods presupposes the acknowledgement of former collective economic forms.
Published 10 March 2015 by Caroline Grellier
In Ivory Coast, computer engineer and tireless advocate of free software Florent Youzan is the co-founder of Ovillage, a third-space in Abidjan that produces social innovation projects.