Commitment mechanics in the land of clocks
From March 10-12 was held the 8th Ludesco, a festival around games at La Chaux-de-Fonds, in Switzerland.
Published 20 March 2017 by DCALK (Paris/Bruxelles)
From March 10-12 was held the 8th Ludesco, a festival around games at La Chaux-de-Fonds, in Switzerland.
Published 18 July 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Le 14 Juillet dans le parc du Sénat à Paris s'est tenue la première course (interdite) française «Pokémon Go». Le jeu en réalité augmentée de Nintendo n'est pourtant pas encore officiellement déployé en France. On y était.
Published 20 May 2016 by DCALK (Paris/Bruxelles)
Andrew Sheerin, founder of TerrorBull Games publishing, was one of the guest of Ludipunk Fest in Paris. Interview.
Published 29 March 2016 by DCALK (Paris/Bruxelles)
Toolkits invite you to design objects of the future or support the creativity of makers and game designers. Discover some of them with the maker-entertainers from Dcalk.
Published 14 December 2015 by Robin Lambert
A location: the PMClab, fablab of Paris VI university. A person: the IT security student and hacker Daniel Bourdrez. An objective: discover hacking with the serious game “Bandit"
Published 1 December 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Using tiny Arduino circuits, Ken Burns has just launched on Kickstarter kits to build miniature arcade games, complete with cabinet, that are both playable and customizable.
Published 7 July 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
250,000 people participated in Japan Expo from the 2nd until the 5th of July in Paris. Makery interrogated the cosplayers on their costume fabrication methods.
Published 1 June 2015 by Laurent Catala
"1000 Galantes" from the experimental collective One Life Remains is similar to a life-size collaborative game. Up to 25 people can interact with laser pointers on a "black box" area
Published 11 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Hack the COP: the two co-founders of the Insurrectionary imagination laboratory are preparing the Climate Games, civil disobedience games for December in Paris.