Covid-19: Italian makers take action
Mobilized Italian makers showed the way for makers around the world. Enrico Bassi of Opendot fablab in Milan, specialized in open healthcare, tells the story.
Published 22 June 2020 by Enrico Bassi
Mobilized Italian makers showed the way for makers around the world. Enrico Bassi of Opendot fablab in Milan, specialized in open healthcare, tells the story.
Published 12 December 2017
The Umarell, a local legend supposed to improve productivity, is reinterpreted by TheFabLab in the form of a 3D figurine. Nationwide buzz.
Published 12 February 2015 by François Robin
Makery visited SPQwoRk, a “talents container” between co-working space and fablab, in the Tirburtina district in the centre of Rome.