Jean-Paul Fourmentraux explores art and digital disobedience in “antiDATA”
French socio-anthropologist and digital art critic Jean-Paul Fourmentraux talks about techno-critical hacktivism through his recent book "antiDATA: digital disobedience".
Published 4 May 2021 by Sandrine Lambert
French socio-anthropologist and digital art critic Jean-Paul Fourmentraux talks about techno-critical hacktivism through his recent book "antiDATA: digital disobedience".
Published 6 May 2019 by Benjamin Cadon
Hack The Earth 2019 took place on April 19-22, organized by the Catalonian colony of Calafou—where liberating fantasies weave desirable futures.
Published 20 March 2018 by Ewen Chardronnet
On March 16-18, the Mucem museum in Marseille dedicated three days to “The teachings of Nathalie Magnan”—the cyberfeminist, hacktivist and theorist of media, LGBT and queer cultures, who died in 2016.
Published 28 March 2017 by Benjamin Cadon
Benjamin Cadon (Labomedia) attended the Internet Freedom Festival, an international convergence of hacktivist struggles in Valencia, Spain, on March 6-10. Report.
Published 11 October 2016 by Carine Claude
A hood to blind surveillance cameras, a public bench transformed into a shelter...“Hacker Citizen” is a book of recipes to reappropriate urban space.
Published 11 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Hack the COP: the two co-founders of the Insurrectionary imagination laboratory are preparing the Climate Games, civil disobedience games for December in Paris.
Published 24 June 2014 by Carine Claude
What does a hack festival look like? Mid June, Loop organised its Vent en Poop in Paris at an official squat.
Published 7 June 2014 by la rédaction
The best way to be anonymous is to be anyone or rather… be Leo Selvaggio.