The Thai island and the biopirates
Inspired by the Slovenian PIF Camp, the first Digital Naturalism Conference hosted more than 80 scientists, artists, hackers and makers on an island in Thailand from May 26 to July 8.
Published 17 July 2018 by Cherise Fong
Inspired by the Slovenian PIF Camp, the first Digital Naturalism Conference hosted more than 80 scientists, artists, hackers and makers on an island in Thailand from May 26 to July 8.
Published 17 May 2017 by Benjamin Cadon
Calafou, the eco-industrial post-capitalist Catalan colony, organized Hack the Earth from April 14 to 16. A bio-political path, both suststainable and desirable, is written there.
Published 5 May 2017 by Damien Bourniquel
For WYHIWYS (What You Hear Is What You See), creation for Makery, the artist Damien Bourniquel composes a mash-up of Youtube videos shaped by ASMR.
Published 10 April 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
Driverless buses, cars that park themselves... If the autonomous vehicle is already on the streets, hackers are waiting in ambush to denounce its security flaws.
Published 17 October 2016 by Ewen Chardronnet
The Influencers festival, on October 20-22 in Barcelona, presents the best of tactical media. We met its founder, Bani Brusadin.
Published 11 October 2016 by Carine Claude
A hood to blind surveillance cameras, a public bench transformed into a shelter...“Hacker Citizen” is a book of recipes to reappropriate urban space.
Published 18 July 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Le 14 Juillet dans le parc du Sénat à Paris s'est tenue la première course (interdite) française «Pokémon Go». Le jeu en réalité augmentée de Nintendo n'est pourtant pas encore officiellement déployé en France. On y était.
Published 12 May 2016
Biohacker Josiah Zayner ingested fecal microbiomes from a donor in order to fix his gut…
Published 29 February 2016 by Ewen Chardronnet
How does one to go to work motivated in the morning? The collective of hackers Dardex found the solution: an electric toothbrush that sings “l’Internationale”. Tutorial.
Published 22 February 2016
Two German artists clandestinely scanned Nefertiti's famous bust and then put the files online under free license.
Published 5 February 2016
For the anniversary of the Dada movement, David Dufresne and Anita Hui launch “Dada-Data”, an interactive hackdoc devised in top secret.
Published 26 January 2016
The best of YouFab 2015, the creative fabrication contest organized by FabCafé Tokyo. Makery was there.
Published 19 January 2016 by Annick Rivoire
In "Dadabot", a formidable essay on "creolization" in the digital age, Nicolas Nova and Joël Vacheron give an overview of this "new human-machine relationship". Interview.
Published 8 January 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
The nice radios that can't read a smartphone playlist are no longer popular. What if we mixed state-of-the-art Bluetooth speakers, often expensive or charmless, with a disused device?
Published 14 December 2015 by Robin Lambert
A location: the PMClab, fablab of Paris VI university. A person: the IT security student and hacker Daniel Bourdrez. An objective: discover hacking with the serious game “Bandit"
Published 24 November 2015 by Damien Bourniquel
The artist Damien Bourniquel, who remixes YouTube for Makery with his WYHIWYS (What You Hear Is What You See) columns, synchronized 36 versions of the Marseillaise posted since November 13.
Published 27 October 2015 by Elsa Ferreira
A hair drier, what for? In less than three hours, we turned our old Babyliss into an Atari Punk Console with sinusoidal sounds.
Published 29 September 2015 by Elsa Ferreira
After a German man exploded the RFID chip of his ID card in the microwave oven, Makery researched the the most efficient techniques. At your own risk and peril
Published 7 September 2015 by Robin Lambert
Printed in 3D, made of wood or from a hack of a pair of scissors, DiY compasses for makers returning after the summer break.
Published 26 May 2015 by Quentin Chevrier
In a minimalist DIY approach to save their over-eager fingers from carpal tunnel syndrome, a few makers tried their hands at hacking the mobile matchmaking app Tinder.