#BalanceTonPorc (RatoutYourPig) and #MeToo will not be enough. Women still have a lot to do to command respect. #JustInCase, here is a small tutorial for a DIY pepper spray…
Published 24 October 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
#BalanceTonPorc (RatoutYourPig) and #MeToo will not be enough. Women still have a lot to do to command respect. #JustInCase, here is a small tutorial for a DIY pepper spray…
Published 16 February 2016
Without mention of the coder's gender, open source programs designed by women are better than that of men, according to an American university study published on February 9.
Published 18 January 2016
A survey analyzes the low representation of women in hackerspaces and makerspaces in Great Britain.
Published 25 November 2014 by Annick Rivoire
The DiY anti-rape kit does not exist… However, our Do it Yourself gives you a few keys to take action.