Marko Peljhan’s hypersonic hyperstitions at Venice Biennale
At the 2019 Venice Biennale, whistleblowing artist Marko Peljhan’s System 317 calls attention to the rise of hypersonic weapons.
Published 15 May 2019 by Ewen Chardronnet
At the 2019 Venice Biennale, whistleblowing artist Marko Peljhan’s System 317 calls attention to the rise of hypersonic weapons.
Published 3 July 2018 by Ewen Chardronnet
On June 29, the Mexican artist Nahum sent an interactive artwork to the International Space Station—a personal experience through a real-time manipulation protocol from Earth.
Published 15 May 2018 by Benjamin Pothier
The artist-researcher Benjamin Pothier attended recently a training for scientist-astronaut candidates in Connecticut. Here is the story.
Published 27 February 2018 by Ewen Chardronnet
The French space agency (CNES) backs an organization in order to facilitate the development of open source space projects in fablabs, hackerspaces and other spaces for collaborative making.
Published 20 February 2018 by Ewen Chardronnet
Forgotten, found again, restored, Tatlin’s flying machine takes back its place in art in Moscow. Miha Turšič, who identified it in a Russian military museum, tells us about its revival.
Published 6 February 2018
There will be no Google-sponsored robot on the Moon. On January 23, the Lunar XPrize officially announced that it was ending the competition.
Published 6 February 2018 by Benjamin Pothier
Mars, the Earth and the Moon joined by the magic of an image… The artist-researcher Benjamin Pothier tells us about this space art performance from Dwingeloo radio telescope.
Published 19 December 2017 by Rob La Frenais
How can we prepare the cohabitation of robots and humans on the Moon? Artists and space experts discussed the issues at the first workshop of the Moon Village Association in Strasbourg, France.
Published 1 August 2017 by Benjamin Pothier
Second part in polar areas of our wide-ranging interview with Marko Peljhan, behind the Makrolab, on the occasion of the twenty-year anniversary of this utopian techno-ecological architecture.
Published 25 July 2017 by Benjamin Pothier
Interview with Marko Peljhan, the Slovenian artist behind Makrolab, which since 1997 has traveled around the world, hosting artists, hackers, scientists. Part 1.
Published 20 June 2017
Chinese scientists have just established a record distance for quantum teleportation, 1,200km apart. A step further for data protection.
Published 30 May 2017
Early May, NASA launched a call for projects to create the future fablab of the International Space Station and develop digital fabrication in orbit.
Published 2 September 2016 by Ewen Chardronnet
French astrobiologist Cyprien Verseux, 25, spent one year in a simulated habitat on Mars. He talks about his experience rich in Do it Yourself.
Published 12 July 2016 by Ewen Chardronnet
Border Sessions was held in The Hague on July 6-7, offering a full schedule of talks and workshops to scratch disruptive technologies, or “fringe tech” pushing the science limits.
Published 5 April 2016 by Cherise Fong
By the end of 2017, robots made by makers will be exploring the Moon, the culmination of the Google Lunar Xprize. Japanese team Hakuto is busy working on its final prototype.
Published 12 January 2016
Planetary Resources and 3D Systems unveiled the first 3D printed object from asteroid metals at the CES in Las Vegas.
Published 22 December 2015 by Carine Claude
Cameron Smith a conçu une combinaison spatiale DiY légère et maniable qui coûte moins de 1000 dollars. Avec l'aide d'une communauté internationale d'astronautes amateurs.
Published 6 July 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Stuart McAndrew made a satellite without any spatial knowledge. OzQube-1 is a picosatellite that paves the maker’s way towards the stars.