FabFamily materialises the design edition of the future
An application to have an object you designed in vector produced, it's Fab Family, editing platform for a democratised and distributed design.
Published 18 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
An application to have an object you designed in vector produced, it's Fab Family, editing platform for a democratised and distributed design.
Published 5 May 2015 by Caroline Grellier
For her agro-material design agency project La Termatière, Caroline Grellier went off to Togo to observe the activity of a research centre in local materials.
Published 6 April 2015 by Caroline Grellier
La Termatière, Caroline Grellier’s project of viticulture by-products development, must define its investments needs in order to progress from DIY to mass production.
Published 17 February 2015 by Caroline Grellier
Test the homemade recipe for the repairing and protecting dough, based on corn flour and silicone.
Published 2 February 2015 by Caroline Grellier
The designer Caroline Grellier keeps the diary of her project of viticulture by-products upgrading. Her Cooperative is now doubly incubated by Agro Valo Méditerranée and Alter’Incub.
Published 19 January 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Chinese artist and designer Li Yu was at La Paillasse (biohackerspace, Paris) for a new stage of her poetic and crazy “Space Seed” project. Interview.
Published 5 January 2015 by Caroline Grellier
Does a maker make a good innovator? Caroline Grellier, designer, chronicles her project “Cooperative for the upgrading of viticulture materials", incubated by Sup’Agro Montpellier.
Published 16 December 2014 by Francis Mizio
66 artists took part on December 12-14 in the 6th Transformeurs upcycling challenge in Nantes, which attracted some 4,500 visitors.
Published 15 December 2014 by Laurent Catala
“Surexposition”, fruit of the collaboration of Orange Labs and the Ensad lab, is a giant light beam projecting SMSs of participants of the Festival of Lights in Lyon.
Published 9 December 2014 by Quentin Chevrier
The Christmas spirit, DiY version: Makery is helping you concoct 100% DiY presents, for more or less conversant makers.
Published 2 December 2014 by Quentin Chevrier
All about pallets, a cheap, easily accessible, rather ecological material. The LEGO brick of reclaimed furniture design.
Published 18 November 2014 by Quentin Chevrier
27 designers, craftsmen and curious onlookers got together for a design salvage workshop at ICI Montreuil this week-end.
Published 8 September 2014 by Carine Claude
The Tricodeur is a pirated knitting machine designed to subvert the sensible textile design.