I made Christmas
Makery rounded up a stocking full of 3D files for original decorations, gifts to make at home or in a fablab. For a DIY Christmas.
Published 6 December 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Makery rounded up a stocking full of 3D files for original decorations, gifts to make at home or in a fablab. For a DIY Christmas.
Published 25 October 2016 by Manon Walquan
No need to be a billionaire to experience outer space. Makery teaches you to convert an ordinary ballpoint pen into an “anti-gravity” pen to write in any position...
Published 18 October 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
The 4th Fashion Tech Week in Paris culminated on October 13 at Institut français de la mode, with an exhibition of smart clothing. Follow the guide to build your 1st e-textile circuit.
Published 19 September 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
En avant-première de l'Open Bidouille Camp spécial nature du 24 septembre à Paris, voici le 4 étoiles pour insectes utiles qui y sera proposé par l'association de médiation scientifique Les p'tits illuminés.
Published 26 July 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
It’s summer, it’s hot, it’s time to find solutions to get some fresh air! Air-conditioning units are too expensive, and ventilation fan isn’t enough. Here are three DIY refreshing solutions.
Published 27 June 2016 by Elsa Ferreira
Sergey Komardenkov, Russian designer from the collective Playtronica, explains how to turn a tightrope into a theremin.
Published 3 May 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
American hacker Dave Asprey developed the “Bulletproof coffee”, a mix of coffee, butter and coconut oil meant to improve concentration.
Published 26 April 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Science amateurs have been fantasizing about perpetual motion machines. In theory, they should keep running until the end of time. In practice, they don't. DIY projects in review.
Published 19 April 2016 by Elsa Ferreira
Will Nuit Debout go into maker mode? There is no lack of demand, beginning with a bicycle generator, Piratebox, Raspberry Pi billboard… henceforth, a list of grievances.
Published 29 February 2016 by Ewen Chardronnet
How does one to go to work motivated in the morning? The collective of hackers Dardex found the solution: an electric toothbrush that sings “l’Internationale”. Tutorial.
Published 16 February 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Theo Jansen has become famous for his wind-powered millipede creatures made from recycled plastic. Several DIY models celebrate this art of movement. Review.
Published 8 January 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
The nice radios that can't read a smartphone playlist are no longer popular. What if we mixed state-of-the-art Bluetooth speakers, often expensive or charmless, with a disused device?
Published 5 January 2016 by Quentin Chevrier
An afternoon of prototyping organized by Adami allowed a get-together of artists and techno-creators for them to imagine future stage accessories. Makery was amongst them.
Published 14 December 2015 by Robin Lambert
A location: the PMClab, fablab of Paris VI university. A person: the IT security student and hacker Daniel Bourdrez. An objective: discover hacking with the serious game “Bandit"
Published 3 December 2015 by Elsa Ferreira
With fishing line, a glass marble and an electronic scale, two researchers reproduced in vitro the effects of climate change on the oceans.
Published 17 November 2015 by Quentin Chevrier
Here’s the recipe to compose your own nasal melody to accompany the opening of a birthday card, with the low-tech electronic piano.
Published 9 November 2015 by Cherise Fong
Makery collected a few stellar samples of DIY clocks kits to suit a wide range of more or less mathematical minds...
Published 20 October 2015 by Quentin Chevrier
Photo highlights of the 5th Bricole It, an afternoon of casual coding and tinkering hosted by Makery on October 17.
Published 12 October 2015 by Caroline Grellier
It’s the high season for mushrooms, but not all aspiring makers live in the country. Makery tells you everything about growing oyster mushrooms at home.
Published 29 September 2015 by Elsa Ferreira
After a German man exploded the RFID chip of his ID card in the microwave oven, Makery researched the the most efficient techniques. At your own risk and peril