Cohabiting on the Moon
How can we prepare the cohabitation of robots and humans on the Moon? Artists and space experts discussed the issues at the first workshop of the Moon Village Association in Strasbourg, France.
Published 19 December 2017 by Rob La Frenais
How can we prepare the cohabitation of robots and humans on the Moon? Artists and space experts discussed the issues at the first workshop of the Moon Village Association in Strasbourg, France.
Published 12 December 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
For the love of art, science and Afrofuturism, we boarded a spacecraft full of DNA catchers.
Published 12 September 2017 by la rédaction
This summer, French maker Julien Goret vagabonded the railways with his family. 5,000km through Central Europe, stopping at PIF Camp in Slovenia and a DIY art center in Slovakia.
Published 30 May 2017 by Cherise Fong
From 3D reproduction to laser-cut models, heritage sites around the world are getting a makeover thanks to digital innovations.
Published 12 March 2017
This March 14, one particularly numerically oriented artist duo decided to celebrate π Day (3/14) by launching an... unlimited edition artwork.
Published 6 February 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
Plastic artist, designer of poetical automated creatures, Zaven Paré, precursor of the actor-robot, has been involved with robots for more than 20 years. Interview.
Published 1 December 2016 by Elsa Ferreira
On November 26 and 27, the artist Tomás Saraceno brought together researchers from the most prestigious universities in the world for a hackathon unlike any other. Objective: invent the Aerocene era.
Published 14 November 2016 by la rédaction
“Man Made Clouds” is the first smokable book on clouds made by man, autumn present from the duo of artists HeHe. Chosen extracts for Makery.
Published 28 June 2016
The first Starts, European prize rewarding the role of art in innovation, were presented on Thursday, June 23.
Published 16 March 2016 by Cherise Fong
Japanese media artist Nobumichi Asai from WOW studio awes and teases our senses with his face-mapped projections and holograms. Techno-mystical interview.
Published 5 February 2016
For the anniversary of the Dada movement, David Dufresne and Anita Hui launch “Dada-Data”, an interactive hackdoc devised in top secret.
Published 19 January 2016 by Annick Rivoire
In "Dadabot", a formidable essay on "creolization" in the digital age, Nicolas Nova and Joël Vacheron give an overview of this "new human-machine relationship". Interview.
Published 17 November 2015 by Axelle Terrier
Invited to the Bandits-Mages festival in Bourges, Poussy Draama carried out a workshop about DIY gynecology for women and transsexuals.
Published 2 November 2015 by Elsa Ferreira
The Turner Prize, Britain's prestigious art prize, is known for championing experimental art. Among the 2015 finalists is an architects collective nominated for a social project, in Liverpool.
Published 13 October 2015 by Cherise Fong
“Don’t Follow the Wind” is an invisible exhibition inside the contaminated Fukushima's Exclusion Zone. For the awareness of future generations.
Published 12 October 2015 by Laurent Catala
The artist Peter William Holden reveals the cogs of “Critical mass”, his latest robotic installation combining engineering of illusion and art of body movement.
Published 11 August 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
The University of Tokyo has just prototyped a device that addresses new modes of digital projection, such as projection mapping and augmented reality.
Published 20 July 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Making working bees build apicultural sculptures is the project of the artist from Marseille, in “Working Holidays” residence in Maribor, Slovenia. Meeting.
Published 29 June 2015 by Laurent Catala
With "Induction Series" the Belgian sound artist is producing a series of sculptures that play with resonance and architecture to create vibratory fields.
Published 22 June 2015 by Isabelle Arvers
The Rural.Scapes farm is a lab that defends “Rural Intermedia”, confronts artists with local territory and know-how.