Le RFFLabs dresse un panorama des fablabs en France
Entre 2017 et 2018, le Conseil Scientifique du Réseau Français des Fablabs a mené une enquête visant à produire un panorama des fablabs en France. Un livret blanc consultable.
Published 2 May 2019
Entre 2017 et 2018, le Conseil Scientifique du Réseau Français des Fablabs a mené une enquête visant à produire un panorama des fablabs en France. Un livret blanc consultable.
Published 10 February 2019
The survey will be used to identify specifically which kinds of tools scientists would use if they could build them DIY-style at low cost. Then, of course, the goal is to build them.
Published 19 June 2018
The Croatian pavilion at the Venice Biennale exhibit a 57-square-meter pergola inspired by the formation of clouds. One of the most imposing structures to date 3D-printed by robots.
Published 5 June 2018
Microsoft has acquired GitHub for 7.5 billion dollars. The news has raised concerns within the community of open source developers.
Published 22 May 2018
What future for urban manufacturing? The report "Cities of Making" offers an insight into urban manufacturing in three European cities: Brussels, London and Rotterdam.
Published 3 April 2018
The US has decided: there will be no regulation on agricultural products from genome editing techniques. Thus making way for all kinds of genetic manipulations.
Published 27 March 2018
British researchers have developed a portable scanner, capable of detecting the magnetic field generated by the brain of people in motion.
Published 12 March 2018
The engineer Lucy Rogers announced the launch of a defense organization for pro makers in the UK, the Guild of Makers, that will take place on March 16 in Birmingham.
Published 27 February 2018
In DIY mode, the Fab Foundation offers digital fabrication classes inspired from costumes and objects from the Marvel studios film.
Published 13 February 2018
The massive migration to celebrate the New Year of the Dog will be subject to piercing surveillance by Chinese police wearing AR glasses equipped with facial recognition software.
Published 6 February 2018
There will be no Google-sponsored robot on the Moon. On January 23, the Lunar XPrize officially announced that it was ending the competition.
Published 9 January 2018
January 12 marks the release of “Hello World”, fruit of the collaboration between composer Benoit Carré, the AI Flow Machines and guest artists.
Published 12 December 2017
The Umarell, a local legend supposed to improve productivity, is reinterpreted by TheFabLab in the form of a 3D figurine. Nationwide buzz.
Published 12 December 2017
The UN rewards a young British engineer for having designed a hydroponic system that uses ten times less water and cultivated area than conventional horticulture.
Published 5 December 2017
The next Fab Academy will begin in January, an intensive five-month course created at the MIT by Neil Gershenfeld and hosted by more than 80 labs in 36 different countries.
Published 28 November 2017
A Chinese rammed earth house designed to withstand earthquakes received the title of World Building of the Year 2017. An international recognition for a sustainable architecture.
Published 21 November 2017
Two weeks after the tweet in which he accused the Chinese maker Naomi Wu of not being what she said she was, the boss of Make Media made his second mea culpa.
Published 31 October 2017
On October 25, Saudi Arabia granted citizenship to the humanoid robot Sophia. Will this AI have more rights than the Saudi women?
Published 24 October 2017
The mini electric taxi boats SeaBubbles won't fly over the river Seine. The designer and seaman Alain Thébault has chosen Geneva instead of Paris for his prototype test.
Published 23 October 2017
The first civil infrastructure for bicycles to be 3D-printed in reinforced pre-stressed concrete opened to cyclists in the village of Gemert, Netherlands.