Becoming Non-Alien: Temporary Manifesto for a Laboratory of Recombinant Commons
In 2017, the Laboratory Planet collective proposed a manifesto of the "recombinant commons" by the Aliens In Green. Makery republishes it.
Published 2 November 2023 by Ewen Chardronnet
In 2017, the Laboratory Planet collective proposed a manifesto of the "recombinant commons" by the Aliens In Green. Makery republishes it.
Published 20 October 2022 by Pauline Briand
The installation Green Open Food Evolution by artist Maya Minder was presented at the Open Source Body festival in Paris. She will also be at the Antre Peaux in Bourges from November 19.
Published 1 September 2022 by la rédaction
Le médialab Makery présente la troisième édition de son festival Open Source Body qui aura lieu du 27 septembre au 22 octobre à la Cité Internationale des Arts. Editorial.
Published 9 February 2022 by Dare Pejić
Quorum sensing, an investigative art science project by Helena Nikonole and Lucy Ojomoko, proposes smelling as potential detection activity to track diseases and becomes a (self)diagnosing tool.
Published 23 December 2021 by Elsa Ferreira
At the Center for Art and Mental Health in Copenhagen, Ida Bencke, Birgit Bundesen and Nazila Kivi organized writing workshops and an exhibition around the theme of maternity.
Published 24 November 2021 by Rob La Frenais
In the framework of the ART4MED program, designer and film maker Emilia Tikka collaborates with artist and reindeer herder Leena and Oula Valkeapää to question biomedical enhancement and posthuman survival. Correspondence.
Published 27 September 2021 by Bérengère Fally
Early in the Covid-19 pandemic, makers across France and Belgium got organized to prototype open source ventilators. A research study by Interreg FabricAr3v.
Published 19 August 2021 by Adam Zaretsky
Adam Zaretsky's fourth essay in his summer series of speculative texts proposes a "Philosophy of the Biological Bedroom, or a Prelude for Transgenic Humans".
Published 6 August 2021 by Adam Zaretsky
Third essay of Adam Zaretsky' summer series of speculative texts regarding contemporary biotechnological research.
Published 23 July 2021 by Adam Zaretsky
Makery invites Adam Zaretsky for a summer series of speculative texts on the ethical and philosophical questions regarding contemporary biological research.
Published 31 May 2021 by Maxence Grugier
Makery met with Shu Lea Cheang, on the occasion of the presentation of "Virus Becoming", an exhibition that was held at the Departmental Museum of Asian Arts in Nice this May.
Published 18 May 2021 by Rob La Frenais
Helena Nikonole and Lucy Ojomoko create genetically modified bacteria of human skin microbiome that affect the sense of smell transmitted by the human body, a radical approach to issues of health and disease prevention.
Published 14 May 2021 by Ewen Chardronnet
For the Open Source Body festival organized by Makery, the Swiss collective BadLab will give a presentation on May 22 at Volumes Lab in the Oasis21 cooperative in Paris.
Published 13 April 2021 by Rob La Frenais
Jeremy Narby, the worldwide-known author of ‘The Cosmic Serpent’ (1998) is releasing a new book this year, ‘Plant Teachers - Tobacco and Ayhuasca’. Interview.
Published 15 March 2021 by Tonya Sudiono
Adriana Knouf will be the ART4MED artist in residency at Waag Society in Amsterdam in 2021. Tonya Sudiono from Waag asks her questions to know who is she, where did she come from (hint: outer space) and what is she planning to do at Waag?
Published 12 March 2021
5 partners from 5 EU countries formed ART4MED, a consortium to experiment and disseminate collaborations between hands-on medical humanities and investigative art methodologies.
Published 29 January 2021 by Rob La Frenais
Sophie Hoyle explores an intersectional approach to post-colonial, queer, feminist, critical psychiatry and disability issues.” The artist will be in Bourges in April.
Published 17 December 2020 by Rob La Frenais
Tiny Mining is a mineral exploration co-operative and community committed to the open source exploitation of the interior of the human body for rare earth and other mineral resources.
Published 13 November 2020 by Rob La Frenais
The Rencontres Internationales Monde-s Multiple-s was to be held in Bourges from November 13 to December 6, 2020. But the confinement will have decided otherwise. Interview with Margherita Pevere.
Published 3 October 2020 by Ewen Chardronnet
During Ars Electronica 2020, the French artist Mélodie Mousset was presenting her work at the "Silicon Valley Garden" of the virtual festival. Interview.