Michel Lallement: “At Noisebridge, he who does is legit”
Interview with French sociologist Michel Lallement, who writes in “Maker era” his one year immersed at Noisebridge, a hackerspace in San Francisco.
Published 4 May 2015 by Camille Bosqué
Interview with French sociologist Michel Lallement, who writes in “Maker era” his one year immersed at Noisebridge, a hackerspace in San Francisco.
Published 3 April 2015 by Camille Bosqué
In “Saving the World”, theorist Michel Bauwens defends his optimistic vision of the P2P, on the brink of revolutionizing production and society.
Published 19 March 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
During the last Club Transmediale Festival in Berlin, Derek Holzer presented DELILAH TOO, an installation on the vocoder based on his researches on archeology on privacy.
Published 13 March 2015 by Carine Claude
The Fab City concept developed in Barcelona has its herald. Tomás Diez, founder of the Barcelona Fablab and organiser of FAB10 in July 2014 is adamant: fablabs are part of the solution.
Published 9 March 2015 by Fabien Eychenne
Fab Lab Connect is an initiative launched at the Barcelona Fab 10 by the Fab Foundation. Simone Amber details the ambition of this funding platform for open projects to replicate.
Published 17 February 2015 by la rédaction
Arduino founder Massimo Banzi was in Paris in early February, just in time for a lecture, two days of workshops and an interview for Makery.
Published 9 February 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Author of “A Hacker Manifesto” and “Gamer Theory”, McKenzie Wark has responded to our questions post-Transmediale on his hacktivist theory for the Anthropocene.
Published 27 January 2015 by Carine Claude
The most country-style French fablab closed down in Néons-sur-Creuse, Indre department. Olivier Chambon, co-founder, explains why a lab colses down.
Published 19 January 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Chinese artist and designer Li Yu was at La Paillasse (biohackerspace, Paris) for a new stage of her poetic and crazy “Space Seed” project. Interview.
Published 30 September 2014 by Annick Rivoire
(Français) Mathilde Berchon signe la deuxième édition (en moins d’un an !) de « L’Impression 3D », aux éditions Eyrolles. Un best-seller pour « rejoindre le mouvement », dit-elle.