Assassin’s Code: Radical Food Science, the Gastronomic Arts and Humane Slaughter
Third essay of Adam Zaretsky' summer series of speculative texts regarding contemporary biotechnological research.
Published 6 August 2021 by Adam Zaretsky
Third essay of Adam Zaretsky' summer series of speculative texts regarding contemporary biotechnological research.
Published 2 August 2021 by Adam Zaretsky
Second essay of Adam Zaretsky' summer series of speculative texts based on his own artistic practice and the ethical and philosophical questions he raises regarding contemporary biotechnological research.
Published 23 July 2021 by Adam Zaretsky
Makery invites Adam Zaretsky for a summer series of speculative texts on the ethical and philosophical questions regarding contemporary biological research.
Published 14 July 2021 by Roland Fischer
For five months, Kunsthaus Langenthal in Switzerland is being transformed into a H.o.Me. – Home for obsolete media. Last week to visit the exhibition.
Published 17 June 2021 by Rosemary Lee
Rosemary Lee proposes an essay on resilience as a critical approach to technology.
Published 27 April 2021 by Elsa Ferreira
Dans Identités du transitoire (Les Presses du réel, 2021), Jehanne Dautrey et Patrick Beaucé, explorent l'architecture qui se monte aussi vite qu'elle se démonte. Des constructions agiles et politiques ou urgence et réflexion partagent un même espace-temps.
Published 26 February 2021 by Rob La Frenais
In ‘Extraterrestrial - The First Sign of Intelligent Life beyond Earth’, Avi Loeb, former chair of astronomy at Harvard University, confirms that the interstellar object `Oumuamua, could be a sign of extraterrestial life. Review.
Published 16 February 2021 by Maya Minder
Artist and designer Fara Peluso speaks about deterioration, decomposition, symbiosis and running out of time. A novel approach to speculative design thinking.
Published 17 December 2020 by Rob La Frenais
Tiny Mining is a mineral exploration co-operative and community committed to the open source exploitation of the interior of the human body for rare earth and other mineral resources.
Published 3 November 2020 by Rob La Frenais
In the last years of the ’60s two extraordinary experiments happening in London, the Drury Lane Arts Lab and the New London Arts Lab are the subject of a new book by David Curtis - ‘London’s Arts Labs and the 60’s Avant-Garde’.
Published 13 October 2020 by la rédaction
Makery went to Hallein (Austria), where the annual Schmiede Festival took place in the huge buildings of the city's former salt factory. Second part of our report in pictures.
Published 29 September 2020 by la rédaction
Makery went to Hallein (Austria), where the annual Schmiede Festival took place in the huge buildings of the city's former salt factory.
Published 22 September 2020 by Roland Fischer
Report by Roland Fischer from Symbiont.space in Basel on the ArtLabo Retreat summer camp that took place this August on the Island of Batz, France.
Published 16 September 2020 by Rob La Frenais
Sharpen your thorns and you will travel safely! How a Traveling Plant challenged the restrictions of a post-virus Ars Electronica.
Published 1 September 2020 by Rob La Frenais
After Palermo in 2018, Manifesta organises its thirteen edition in Marseille, in the context of a year marked by Covid-19. For the first time organised in France, Manifesta will last until November 29.
Published 8 May 2020 by Rob La Frenais
The independent curator and critic Rob La Frenais runs the "Future of Transportation" group on Facebook. New chronicle about mobility after the lockdown.
Published 28 April 2020 by Denis "Jaromil" Roio
New correspondance on proximity-tracing with Denis Roio aka Jaromil from Dyne.org.
Published 26 April 2020 by Rob La Frenais
Independent curator and critic Rob La Frenais runs the "Future of Transportation" group on Facebook. He writes in Makery his thoughts about mobility after the lockdown.
Published 17 April 2020 by Denis "Jaromil" Roio
Denis Roio aka Jaromil shares here his further thinkings about the development of an ethical contact-tracing solution.
Published 16 April 2020 by Denis "Jaromil" Roio
Feeding the debate on proximity-tracing during Covid-19 pandemia, Denis Roio, aka Jaromil from Dyne.org, challenges some polarizing beliefs forming around the concepts of privacy and urgency.