Urbolienne, a new open source windmill in the city
Urbolienne, the first urban open source micro wind turbine, could soon be the next big thing in domestic renewable energy.
Published 19 January 2015 by Carine Claude
Urbolienne, the first urban open source micro wind turbine, could soon be the next big thing in domestic renewable energy.
Published 19 January 2015 by Caroline Grellier
The Italian Francesco Pacelli’s Hoop project recycles food waste, especially coffee, to make material close to ceramic for 3D printing.
Published 13 January 2015 by Quentin Chevrier
Will 3D printing save us from graceless charms and misshapen characters? Not so sure…
Published 13 January 2015 by la rédaction
What does 2015 have in store for digital fabrication and labs ? Experts, futurologists, fabmanagers and other DIY coders answered this question for Makery (part 2).
Published 12 January 2015 by Laurent Catala
Two Dutch artists imagine a kiss-portrait from a headset with electrodes, algorithms and participation from the public.
Published 8 January 2015 by Quentin Chevrier
An overview of initiatives and support to #JeSuisCharlie movement by labs across France.
Published 6 January 2015 by la rédaction
As Season’s Greetings, Makery asked the same question to a bunch of experts, makers, artists and fabmanagers: what do you predict for 2015 concerning labs and/or digital fabrication?
Published 6 January 2015 by Carine Claude
With 120 firms sent to the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas, France carries high the European hi-tech flag. Amongst the innovations promised at the 2015 Awards, a connected sport shirt.
Published 5 January 2015 by Caroline Grellier
Does a maker make a good innovator? Caroline Grellier, designer, chronicles her project “Cooperative for the upgrading of viticulture materials", incubated by Sup’Agro Montpellier.
Published 5 January 2015 by Carine Claude
Making eco-graffiti is possible thanks to a moss based mixture replacing aerosol paint cans. "Grenn graffiti" or "eco-graffiti" grow on walls.
Published 16 December 2014 by Quentin Chevrier
An anti-doping theme for karaoke amateurs: how to know if the person talking in the microphone has been drinking.
Published 16 December 2014 by Carine Claude
From December 12-14, Le Labo de l’édition in Paris hosted its second hackathon on the theme of book applications, as a new way to imagine reading in digital media.
Published 16 December 2014 by Francis Mizio
66 artists took part on December 12-14 in the 6th Transformeurs upcycling challenge in Nantes, which attracted some 4,500 visitors.
Published 15 December 2014 by Laurent Catala
“Surexposition”, fruit of the collaboration of Orange Labs and the Ensad lab, is a giant light beam projecting SMSs of participants of the Festival of Lights in Lyon.
Published 9 December 2014 by Ewen Chardronnet
One of France’s oldest fablabs, Plateforme C in Nantes, moved into its new space one year ago. PING, the local organization behind the project, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this month.
Published 9 December 2014 by la rédaction
Here we go for LeWeb 2014. Makery presents the first «Pop-Up Lab» to introduce a bit of maker culture in this digital economy arena.
Published 9 December 2014 by Quentin Chevrier
The Christmas spirit, DiY version: Makery is helping you concoct 100% DiY presents, for more or less conversant makers.
Published 9 December 2014 by Nicolas Barrial
Specialized in 3D environments, Oliver Kreylos imagined a system that would take his body on an adventure.
Published 2 December 2014 by la rédaction
Seven 3D-printed models of defective hearts were announced by a research surgeon at a medical congress in the USA. A few rare infants have already benefitted from this diagnostic aid.
Published 2 December 2014 by Quentin Chevrier
All about pallets, a cheap, easily accessible, rather ecological material. The LEGO brick of reclaimed furniture design.