Bring Your Own Beamer, the talent show for image hackers
Last Saturday night Jardin d’Alice hosted the event: ‘BYOB’, or Bring Your Own Beamer, an open stage for artists working within the audio-visual medium. Makery was there.
Published 21 April 2015 by Elsa Ferreira
Last Saturday night Jardin d’Alice hosted the event: ‘BYOB’, or Bring Your Own Beamer, an open stage for artists working within the audio-visual medium. Makery was there.
Published 20 April 2015 by Quentin Chevrier
Fablab Festival, organized by Artilect, will be held in Toulouse on May 6-10. More than 40 labs and 4,000 visitors are expected.
Published 17 April 2015 by Laurent Catala
Presented at the Breton Bouillants festival, the Machine To Be Another from the collective BeAnotherLab invites the user to a curious reflexive experience on the other person... and on oneself.
Published 16 April 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Why do open source architecture initiatives, which seek to modify the conditions and forms of construction itself, claim a likeness to Ikea?
Published 14 April 2015 by Quentin Chevrier
For want of being able to hold your breath, can you DIY an effective protection?
Published 10 April 2015 by Cherise Fong
Folded cranes dancing in sync—paper animation, puppet gadgetry, or Japanese traditional art revisited? Discover the Ugoita collective.
Published 9 April 2015 by Fabien Eychenne
One of the best Brazilian universities is opening an engineering course with an integrated fablab that favours learning by doing. Makery went to see what it was all about.
Published 8 April 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
AKER proposes open source kits for urban agriculture and hopes to contribute to the growth of Open farming movement.
Published 7 April 2015 by Quentin Chevrier
Had enough of TVs everywhere? There is a tutorial for this: TV-B-Gone, the universal remote control created by Mitch Altman.
Published 7 April 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Resounding success for the “Fête de la récup” (Reuse party) this weekend in Paris. Some 15,000 curious people, solidarity-based players and makers participated in the recycling centre workshops.
Published 6 April 2015 by Caroline Grellier
La Termatière, Caroline Grellier’s project of viticulture by-products development, must define its investments needs in order to progress from DIY to mass production.
Published 6 April 2015 by James Becht
(Français) Un hacker suisse, Oscar Vermeulen, vient de mettre au point un émulateur du PDP-8, mini-ordinateur pionnier fabriqué dans les années 1960 par Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC).
Published 3 April 2015 by Camille Bosqué
In “Saving the World”, theorist Michel Bauwens defends his optimistic vision of the P2P, on the brink of revolutionizing production and society.
Published 31 March 2015 by Felipe Fonseca
Felipe Fonseca co-founded the MetaReciclagem network in 2002. This “historical” maker denounces the entrepreneurial drift of the movement in “Repair culture” and here, for Makery.
Published 30 March 2015 by Annick Rivoire
What is the trip of electronic waste in the era of programed obsolescence? Artist Shu Lea Cheang posts a video from her week in the biggest electronics recycling market in Nigeria.
Published 30 March 2015 by Cherise Fong
Japanese maker Toshitatsu Munakata has designed a kit inspired by pteranodon to build a machine that flaps its wings.
Published 27 March 2015 by Laurent Catala
As an interactive and sensory film booth for solo viewer, Guillaume Faure's “Soma”, showing at Exit festival from March 25 to April 5, explores the unconscious relationship between body and image.
Published 24 March 2015 by Carine Claude
From March 19-22, 600 hackers, startuppers and health professionals participated in Europe's greatest gathering in its sector, the Hacking Health Camp in Strasbourg.
Published 24 March 2015 by Quentin Chevrier
Photo highlights of the 2nd edition of Makery's DIY, an afternoon of prototyping in a relaxed atmosphere and the smell of tin.
Published 24 March 2015 by la rédaction
“Hackerspaces are really taking off in China”, writes Mitch Altman. The co-founder of Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco has been organizing Hacker Trips in China for a decade.