A maker’s tribulations in Africa
David Rochelet founded the Doualab in Cameroon. First column from this French engineer convinced that Africa could become the largest makerspace in the world.
Published 16 March 2017 by David Rochelet
David Rochelet founded the Doualab in Cameroon. First column from this French engineer convinced that Africa could become the largest makerspace in the world.
Published 14 March 2017 by Cherise Fong
Whistleblowers, journalists, activists, citizens: we all have the right to communicate privately and anonymously. Tips to protect yourself from the eyes and ears of all Big Brothers.
Published 14 March 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
A prototype designed during a hackathon at McGill university in Quebec translates into speech signs with hands printed in 3D.
Published 14 March 2017 by Carine Claude
Biotinkerers, bio-artists and open science communities are miniaturizing their labs in order to bring DIYbio to the masses. Part 2 of our selection of boxes, kits and cases.
Published 12 March 2017
This March 14, one particularly numerically oriented artist duo decided to celebrate π Day (3/14) by launching an... unlimited edition artwork.
Published 9 March 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
In the United States, industry and consumers come face to face on a “right to repair” bill. Eight states are considering the legislation.
Published 7 March 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
Recalbox packs in 30 consoles on a Raspberry Pi for an infinite and multiplayer game library. Its interface made in France is simple to install.
Published 7 March 2017 by Cherise Fong
Lifepatch is showing a modest retrospective in the prestigious ICC art and new media center in Tokyo. An opportunity to take a closer look at the discreet but passionate way of “making” of this Indonesian community.
Published 7 March 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
Since 2012, the Restart Project has been meeting several times a week in London to fix objects together instead of throwing them away. Report from Camden.
Published 6 March 2017 by Caroline Grellier
It has now been two years since our maker started her column on Termatière, her business creation project in bio-sourced materials. Review of an eventful adventure.
Published 6 March 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
The exhibition is brief. Three rooms, height projects. Until March 11, the Pace gallery in London presents "Transcending Boundaries" from Teamlab. Small island of digital nature.
Published 1 March 2017
On one side, Handle by Boston Dynamics, a military-grade equine robot that rolls, jumps and spins; on the other, Spider, an excavator commissioned to crush and remove nuclear debris in Fukushima.
Published 1 March 2017
70 mini fablabs are set to be built in the next 9 months with the support of the Indian government in Kerala, South India.
Published 28 February 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
A drawing arm raised $88,000 on Kickstarter. While certainly cute, the robot is more of an art forger of your own creations. Why not make a robot with its own style for $5?
Published 28 February 2017 by Carine Claude
For coding, prototyping or just having fun, makers are outdoing each with clever ways to fit digital fabrication into a box. Part 1 of our selection of kits and cases.
Published 27 February 2017 by Victor Didelot
In the wings of the Formula E championship in Buenos Aires, the very first race of driverless Robocar prototypes developed by Roborace took place on February 18.
Published 27 February 2017
Imagine a “DIY and inventive destruction” in animation from a 3D model: “White Noise” magazine calls for a project around the BBC East Tower, which will be soon destroyed for real.
Published 21 February 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
Objectifier only knows how to turn on and off, but has an eye that’s always on the alert and an entire neural network in its Raspberry Pi. Enough for it to learn simple tricks, like a pet.
Published 21 February 2017
Space10, supported by Ikea, released files under an open licence of the Growroom, a DIY urban garden kit. A new strategy for the Swedish company?
Published 21 February 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
February 16 and 17, the 2017 Open conference took place in London, gathering a hundred or so militants of commons, cooperativism and open source.