Column of a material maker (25)
Start of the school year update for our maker and her bio-sourced material agency, Termatière. Or how to concile maker aspirations and social entrepreurship.
Published 10 October 2017 by Caroline Grellier
Start of the school year update for our maker and her bio-sourced material agency, Termatière. Or how to concile maker aspirations and social entrepreurship.
Published 9 October 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
A titanic program for an extraordinary festival. On September 20-30, London celebrated Unconscious Archives, a festival at the crossroads of arts, music and DIY.
Published 3 October 2017 by Annick Rivoire
Do humans have more control on their environment with digital modelling and design tools? The Design Modelling Symposium, in Paris from September 16-20, opened up avenues.
Published 3 October 2017 by Alexis Rowell
Can a maker live in the countryside, whith no 3D printer? Our zero waste experts, Alexis and Blanche, think so. In the Perche region, they experiment with permaculture.
Published 2 October 2017 by Cherise Fong
Far from bicycle doping on the Tour de France, there is no shortage of smart accessories to enhance your own ride. Introducing our top 10 most promising (and most successful) cycling prototypes.
Published 26 September 2017 by la rédaction
Lambert Heller deals with topics such as Open Science and Open Access. In this contribution, he presents ten global trends affecting informal science learning.
Published 26 September 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
Until now, thermoforming machines only equipped the industry. The brand new Swiss fablab Onl’fait proposes a simple tutorial to make molds and more molds.
Published 26 September 2017 by Annick Rivoire
This September 28, in the presence of 1,000 guests, “European campus for exploring the future” thecamp will open in the south of France. Visit.
Published 19 September 2017
Among more than 200 masterpieces from its collections, the British Museum published the 3D model of the famous Rosetta Stone.
Published 19 September 2017 by Caroline Grellier
Léonce Atanley is multiplying Micro P Lab projects from his student room in Ghana. Interview with an advocate of 3D printing for Africa.
Published 18 September 2017 by Ewen Chardronnet
The genome revolution has changed our perception of our bodies. Canadian biologist and choreographer François-Joseph Lapointe is exploring this revolution, with an immodest taste for bacterial exchanges.
Published 12 September 2017 by la rédaction
At the end of August, in Genk in Belgium, the Constructlab collective organized a “construction of The Arch Festival” on a former mine site. Photo-report.
Published 12 September 2017 by Carine Claude
With a head full of educational projects, the founder of the two Indian makerspaces Maker’s Asylum is travelling the world to spread the word. Meeting.
Published 12 September 2017 by la rédaction
This summer, French maker Julien Goret vagabonded the railways with his family. 5,000km through Central Europe, stopping at PIF Camp in Slovenia and a DIY art center in Slovakia.
Published 12 September 2017 by la rédaction
Au cœur du Jura bernois, Noclock s’attaque à l’horlogerie avec les outils des makers. Richard-Emmanuel Eastes fait partie de l'aventure. Récit.
Published 7 September 2017 by la rédaction
The annual conference of MIT-approved fablabs was held in Chile from July 31 to August 6. Constance Garnier, an expert on the French scene, reports back from Santiago.
Published 1 August 2017 by Cherise Fong
From surplus supermarkets to public refrigerators to food-tech, initiatives are proliferating in the fight against food waste. A worldwide round-up.
Published 1 August 2017 by Ewen Chardronnet
Peter Frase is the author of “Four Futures: Life After Capitalism” and contributes to the American leftist magazine “Jacobin”. We caught up with him at the Border Sessions festival.
Published 1 August 2017 by Benjamin Pothier
Second part in polar areas of our wide-ranging interview with Marko Peljhan, behind the Makrolab, on the occasion of the twenty-year anniversary of this utopian techno-ecological architecture.
Published 25 July 2017 by Victor Didelot
We tested it for you at the Névez IndieCamp in Brittany. The rocket stove is an economical eco-wood-burner to cook or warm up, at home as well as camping. Tutorial.