(Edit) The boss of Make apologies again to Sexy Cyborg
Two weeks after the tweet in which he accused the Chinese maker Naomi Wu of not being what she said she was, the boss of Make Media made his second mea culpa.
Published 21 November 2017
Two weeks after the tweet in which he accused the Chinese maker Naomi Wu of not being what she said she was, the boss of Make Media made his second mea culpa.
Published 21 November 2017 by Cherise Fong
Before the industrial vats, Shojinmeat Project’s first objective is to culture meat cells in home incubators. This Japanese citizen science movement has nothing to do with artificial burgers or vegan activism.
Published 16 November 2017 by Carine Claude
The maker world has taken a blow. On Wednesday, November 15, the TechShop makerspace chain, now liquidated, announced the closure of its ten locations in the United States.
Published 14 November 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
Chinese maker Naomi Wu, alias Sexy Cyborg, defends herself in Makery against the founder of Make, who did “crippling damage” to her reputation by accusing her of being no more than a persona.
Published 14 November 2017 by Caroline Grellier
As a preview, the French designer Fanny Prudhomme is presenting les Parleuses, a sexual education kit created for her diploma in design, a set of women's sexual organs, hand-sewn or to be made.
Published 7 November 2017 by Carine Claude
With 18,000 visitors from November 2-4 in Namur, Belgium, the 7th Kikk festival conciliates between the general public and a specialized program mixing art, DIY and tech. Recipe.
Published 7 November 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
We Are Robots, the first edition of a festival dedicated to music and its future innovations, was held on November 2-5 in London, where we met up with the cream of maker musicians.
Published 2 November 2017 by Rob La Frenais
How will we travel tomorrow? From railway vehicles to solar tuk-tuk, Rob La Frenais, who conducts the Future of Transportation project with the Srishti Institute, gives a few art and DIY ideas.
Published 31 October 2017
On October 25, Saudi Arabia granted citizenship to the humanoid robot Sophia. Will this AI have more rights than the Saudi women?
Published 31 October 2017 by Alexis Rowell
How do you do keep the trees and plants on a permaculture farm watered given global warming? Alexis and Blanche got busy with a digger to make a rainwater storage facility and a natural swimming pool.
Published 31 October 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
The Science Museum in London organized a night event around retro-gaming on October 25. Cardboard robots, games and friction slide, regression has some good sides.
Published 30 October 2017 by Cherise Fong
Niched on the third floor of a shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s first FabCafe opened just over a year ago.
Published 24 October 2017
The mini electric taxi boats SeaBubbles won't fly over the river Seine. The designer and seaman Alain Thébault has chosen Geneva instead of Paris for his prototype test.
Published 24 October 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
#BalanceTonPorc (RatoutYourPig) and #MeToo will not be enough. Women still have a lot to do to command respect. #JustInCase, here is a small tutorial for a DIY pepper spray…
Published 23 October 2017
The first civil infrastructure for bicycles to be 3D-printed in reinforced pre-stressed concrete opened to cyclists in the village of Gemert, Netherlands.
Published 17 October 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
No need to wait for Apple’s ARKit to get started with augmented reality. All you need are a Web browser and a few lines of code.
Published 17 October 2017 by Ewen Chardronnet
Visit of Artisan’s Asylum, one of the largest makerspace in the US, that saw the birth of MegaBots. On October 17, 2017, the mega-robot EaglePrime fought its Japanese rival Kuratas.
Published 14 October 2017 by Cherise Fong
Should the smart city be the sandbox of the Internet of Things? The Smart Cities Asia conference, held in Kuala Lumpur on October 2-3, explored various manifestations of high-tech urbanism.
Published 10 October 2017 by Ewen Chardronnet
On September 21-24, the MIT Media Lab hosted the Bio Summit, the largest assembly of biohackers to date. A milestone in the movement of community biology labs.
Published 10 October 2017
Before operating on a child suffering from severe scoliosis with help from a robotized arm, the surgeons from the Amiens CHU trained on a 3D printed spine.