CNES and Open Space Makers launch their Tour de France
The French space agency (CNES) backs an organization in order to facilitate the development of open source space projects in fablabs, hackerspaces and other spaces for collaborative making.
Published 27 February 2018 by Ewen Chardronnet
The French space agency (CNES) backs an organization in order to facilitate the development of open source space projects in fablabs, hackerspaces and other spaces for collaborative making.
Published 20 February 2018 by Ewen Chardronnet
Clash in the DIYbio community around a biotech company that claims to offer DIY vaccine injection kits and other treatments for diseases such as aids or herpes.
Published 20 February 2018 by Carine Claude
From February 10-14, we were at Maker’s Asylum in Mumbai for a Franco-Indian hackathon with the association My Human Kit. Or the art of dealing with disability in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Published 20 February 2018 by Ewen Chardronnet
Forgotten, found again, restored, Tatlin’s flying machine takes back its place in art in Moscow. Miha Turšič, who identified it in a Russian military museum, tells us about its revival.
Published 16 February 2018 by Cherise Fong
For eight days in February, 20 artists and scientists explore together in Tokyo the field of possibilities in DIYbio within the framework of BioCamp: Gardens of ‘Biotechnik’.
Published 13 February 2018
The massive migration to celebrate the New Year of the Dog will be subject to piercing surveillance by Chinese police wearing AR glasses equipped with facial recognition software.
Published 13 February 2018 by Alexis Rowell
Théo Champagnat et Jean-Noël Gertz grow mushrooms in a disused underground car park. We sent our future maker-farmers on the first official visit of the only organic farm in Paris.
Published 6 February 2018
There will be no Google-sponsored robot on the Moon. On January 23, the Lunar XPrize officially announced that it was ending the competition.
Published 6 February 2018 by Benjamin Pothier
Mars, the Earth and the Moon joined by the magic of an image… The artist-researcher Benjamin Pothier tells us about this space art performance from Dwingeloo radio telescope.
Published 6 February 2018 by Elsa Ferreira
Bela is an open source nano-computer that processes audio signals and sensors with ultra-low latency. For musical ears, but not only.
Published 30 January 2018 by la rédaction
Hailing from Israel, Spain, Netherlands, Russia, Italy and France, they participated in the Open Source Body festival to defend their vision of open hardware for open science. Portraits.
Published 30 January 2018 by la rédaction
It’s over! A look back on the Makery festival in Paris, where for the 1st time in France the actors of Open Science Hardware met the public.
Published 30 January 2018 by la rédaction
To usher in the spring, Veronika Krenn and Davide Bevilacqua, who first impressed us with their electro-bestiary, share their recipe for creating a singing insect.
Published 23 January 2018 by Abhijeet Kandagale
Indian maker Abhijeet Khandagale was part of STEAM School—one week of shared prototyping for sustainable development between France and India at Maker’s Asylum in Mumbai.
Published 23 January 2018 by Nicolas Barrial
No fablab without machines. But how will they evolve? Makery takes a closer look at equipment in digital fabrication laboratories of the near and distant future.
Published 23 January 2018 by Alexis Rowell
The long-term aim of Alexis and Blanche is to produce energy from sources on their permaculture farm: biomass, sun, geothermal. Here is their energy strategy interim plan.
Published 23 January 2018 by Elsa Ferreira
The symposium of RGCS, international network of researchers around collaborative workspaces, took place in London mid-January. Report.
Published 16 January 2018 by Cherise Fong
Bioart, minimalist architecture, haptic digits, 3D-printed new materials… winners in review of the 6th edition of the YouFab international competition for digital fabrication.
Published 16 January 2018 by Annick Rivoire
Having written for Makery the soundtrack of lab machines, Jean-Philippe Renoult composed “Make Sound, binaural Fablab Opera” for a prestigious art radio program.
Published 16 January 2018 by Elsa Ferreira
At Green Lab in London, we attended a workshop to create an aquaponic system. In order to be an aquaponist, you need to know a bit of everything: chemistry, design, plumbing, maths...