The Fab City Foundation launches in Estonia
Vincent Guimas of Fab City Grand Paris reports on the Fab City Foundation launch on December 12 and e-Residency in Tallinn.
Published 18 December 2018 by Vincent Guimas
Vincent Guimas of Fab City Grand Paris reports on the Fab City Foundation launch on December 12 and e-Residency in Tallinn.
Published 16 December 2018 by Rob La Frenais
Does watching ice melt help us talk about the climate emergency? A critical view on artists commitment at the end of COP24.
Published 21 November 2018 by Rob La Frenais
On the eve of COP24 in Poland, the role of artists in thinking long-term about the future of the human species on this planet, alongside a new surge of scientist-led activism.
Published 13 November 2018 by Cherise Fong
Over the past ten years, a number of startups have been busy in the lab developing new materials for the textile industry. But when will we all be wearing high-tech ecofabrics?
Published 12 November 2018 by la rédaction
The Laboratory Planet collective is currently studying systems theory, collective resilience and stories of regeneration. They develop their research hypotheses for Makery.
Published 6 November 2018 by Ewen Chardronnet
In the context of Tomás Saraceno’s exhibition at Palais de Tokyo in Paris, the Aerocene Foundation organised a solar-powered balloon flight in Fontainebleau on 27th of october. Report in photos.
Published 16 October 2018 by Cherise Fong
In California, community biology laboratory BioCurious is a catalyst for innovation in biotechnology, where biohacking is accessible to anyone. Makery stopped in for a visit.
Published 14 October 2018 by Rüdiger Wassibauer
The 15th edition of Schmiede summer camp in Austria was held from August 29 to September 7. A cooperative prototyping festival mixing arts and maker culture.
Published 9 October 2018 by Erich Berger
From September 16-23, 30 artists, scientists, biohackers and ecologists explored the isolated region around the Kilpisjärvi Biological Station in northern Lapland.
Published 8 October 2018 by Uros Veber
The fourth edition of PIFcamp in the Slovenian Alps congregated this year around the neologist theme of “nerdture”. A hackfest of nature, technology, art and knowledge.
Published 11 September 2018 by Annick Rivoire
After an investor failed to follow through, the media in DIY mode that you have known and loved since 2014 must reinvent itself. Here’s why.
Published 24 July 2018 by Annick Rivoire
For the first time in France, on July 16-20, the FAB14 conference was held under the theme “fabricating resilience”. Will fablabs fill the gaps of our collapsing world?
Published 24 July 2018 by la rédaction
Pioneer makers and young graduates of the Fab Academy, veterans of FABX and novices of the international conference of fablabs, they all have one thing in common: they were at FAB14.
Published 24 July 2018 by Caroline Grellier
Last days in Benin for our material maker. Mission for upcycling waste from the cotton industry nearly wrapped up, project with the Atelier des Griots finalized. How time flies!
Published 24 July 2018 by Cherise Fong
Care to ride an elephant? Give it a second thought. In Thailand, several dedicated sanctuaries are rescuing elephants from the tourism industry and offering them retirement. Makery visited one.
Published 17 July 2018 by la rédaction
The Fab City network now includes 28 cities and regions worldwide. On July 11-13, Fab City Summit Paris mobilized a large international community, after embarking politicians and institutions.
Published 17 July 2018 by Elsa Ferreira
FAB14, the international meeting of fablabs and third part of an auspicious month of July for makers in France, is taking place in Toulouse from July 16-22. Makery is covering the event.
Published 17 July 2018 by Cherise Fong
Inspired by the Slovenian PIF Camp, the first Digital Naturalism Conference hosted more than 80 scientists, artists, hackers and makers on an island in Thailand from May 26 to July 8.
Published 11 July 2018 by la rédaction
As the Fab City Summit opened in Paris on July 11, Paris, Toulouse, Barcelona, Helsinki, Belo Horizonte, Groningen, Brest, the Fab City and various actors signed a Manifesto.
Published 10 July 2018 by Elsa Ferreira
The urbanist Thomas Ermacora is one of the speakers of the Fab City Summit. He explains why the future of cities is in the hands of a new generation of techno-creative people.