She can see land! Cross the Atlantic Like Greta
While Greta Thunberg just arrived in New York on a sailing boat to attend UN Climate Action Summit 2019, Makery has investigated options how to "Do It Like Greta".
Published 28 August 2019 by Rob La Frenais
While Greta Thunberg just arrived in New York on a sailing boat to attend UN Climate Action Summit 2019, Makery has investigated options how to "Do It Like Greta".
Published 28 August 2019 by Cherise Fong
Following its first three weeks of creative activities and jungle adventures, this year’s Dinacon camp exhibited a cross-section of experimental projects in progress.
Published 27 August 2019 by Cécile Ravaux
This year Makery experiences Burning Man from the inside with Cécile Ravaux of French Burners and Art Bike Relief. Part 2 is reported directly from the unforgiving conditions of the desert playa.
Published 22 August 2019 by Marie Albert
John Richards, aka Dirty Electonics, shares his views on PIFcamp 2019, hacking and participatory projects.
Published 21 August 2019 by Cécile Ravaux
This year Makery experiences Burning Man from the inside with Cécile Ravaux of French Burners and Art Bike Relief. Part 1
Published 20 August 2019 by Dare Pejić
Makery talked with Majken Overgaard from Catch and Laura Beloff from the Copenhagen IT University, the main organizers of the Summer camp 2019, happening between 12-16 August in Elsinore, Denmark.
Published 17 August 2019 by Jean-Jacques Valette
On July 15-28, the Comices du Faire micro-festival for makers tinkering with renewable energies and reclaimed resources was held in Nevez in western France. Makery went to visit.
Published 17 August 2019 by Jean-Jacques Valette
The objective of Nowhere, the Burning Man of Europe, is to build camps that are totally self-sufficient in water, energy and food for one week. Our chronicler joined the Bababarrio camp.
Published 10 August 2019 by Marie Albert
Tina Malina & Uros Veber are the two co-organisers behind PIFcamp. They share with Makery their experience and vision of hacking camps.
Published 10 August 2019 by Petra Tihole
Another day at PIFcamp in beautiful Soča valley in Julian Alps. Today PIFcamp opens its doors for visitors in their traditional "Open Saturday" of demonstrations, installations and performances.
Published 7 August 2019 by la rédaction
Life is intense at hacking PIFcamp in pristine Triglav National Park, Slovenia. Makery is embedded until its final Open Day on August 10, in Soča village on the river of the same name. Days 3 and 4.
Published 5 August 2019 by la rédaction
International summer hacking camp PIFcamp is returning to the beautiful Soča village in pristine Triglav National Park for the fifth time on August 4–10, 2019.
Published 5 August 2019 by Cherise Fong
A new exhibition in Tokyo spotlights the woolly mammoth—its genealogy, its fossils, its genome, its de-extinction. Panorama of the issues surrounding this extinct species of the Pleistocene.
Published 5 August 2019 by Arnaud Idelon
Grand entretien d’été sur le thème des espaces de création et de la fabcity à Paris avec Simon Laisney et Paul Citron de la coopérative Plateau Urbain, qui œuvre au quotidien à la résorption de la vacance.
Published 2 August 2019 by Dare Pejić
Scott Kildall, new media artist based in San Francisco, works in the intersection between art and technology for more than 15 years.
Published 30 July 2019 by la rédaction
The summer series is starting for the Feral Labs network. The cooperation is cofinanced by the Ceative Europe program of the Europen Union and is led by Projekt Atol in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Published 22 July 2019 by la rédaction
Blended introductory courses on digital fabrication in Paris alternate between online lessons and practice in fablabs, partnered with Makery.
Published 18 July 2019 by Marie Albert
From Summerlab in Nantes, France, to PIFcamp in the Soča valley of Slovenia, PiNG team member Mona Jamois shares her experiences and recipes for a successful summer camp.
Published 18 July 2019 by Dare Pejić
The two-week long No School in the French region of Burgundy, animated the sleepy center town of Nevers.
Published 17 July 2019 by Dare Pejić
Makery talked with media artist and designer Ted Davis during the closure day of No School Nevers, France, where he held a lecture and a workshop.