Système K, chaos and survival in Kinshasa
Documentary filmmaker Renaud Barret followed several young artists in Kinshasa. His film “System K” was released in January.
Published 30 March 2020 by Céliane Svoboda
Documentary filmmaker Renaud Barret followed several young artists in Kinshasa. His film “System K” was released in January.
Published 30 March 2020 by Cherise Fong
Oki Wonder Lab just may be the most remote un-disciplinary DIYbio camp going on in the world right now. Hackteria’s latest event is currently taking place in Okinawa.
Published 25 March 2020 by Clément Renaud
'REALTIME : Making Digital China' is an investigation about China's digital and urban infrastructure, practices and imaginary spaces. It attempts to capture the pace, scale and depth of China's complex and imaginary spaces. Extracts.
Published 17 March 2020 by Felipe Fonseca
In the context of the OpenDoTT project seeking to develop a more trustworthy Internet of Things, the specific topic of Felipe Fonseca research is Smart Cities. Fonseca is currently at the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design in Dundee and will join Berlin this summer at the Mozilla Foundation. Second logbook of his research.
Published 13 March 2020 by Felipe Fonseca
In the context of the OpenDoTT project seeking to develop a more trustworthy Internet of Things, the specific topic of Felipe Fonseca research is that of the so-called Smart Cities. Felipe Fonseca is currently at the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design in Dundee and will join Berlin this summer at the Mozilla Foundation. First logbook of his research.
Published 10 March 2020
Designing an open-source DIY Coronavirus detection test! That's the mission the JOGL distributed research laboratory has decided to challenge.
Published 10 March 2020 by Frank Beau
Alors que le premier tour des Municipales 2020 approche, Makery a voulu savoir si l’indicateur Fab City Index qui mesure le degré d’autonomie productive des villes pouvait éclairer le vote citoyen.
Published 17 February 2020 by Rob La Frenais
The new exhibition at London’s Science Gallery, "considers gender in relation to fashion, reproductive technologies, gaming and changing ecologies".
Published 12 February 2020 by Dare Pejić
Makery met Tad Ermitaño, a key figure in new media art in the Philippines and Southeast Asia, to discuss his experience at MusicMakers Hacklab, CTM's week-long collaborative laboratory.
Published 12 February 2020 by Cécile Ravaux
Du 30 janvier au 1er février le Grand Palais accueillait Change Now, «l’exposition universelle des solutions pour la planète». Plus de 28000 participants pour prendre connaissance des 1000 solutions présentes sur l’événement. Makery est allé à la rencontre de Bertrand Piccard, l’aéronaute des records autour de la planète avec le ballon Breitling Orbiter et le planeur solaire Solar Impulse, pour qu
Published 8 February 2020 by Céliane Svoboda
Above the Salinas Grandes salt flat in the Argentinean province of Jujuy, Aerocene set a new symbolic record was for a new way of floating in the air: 100% solar-heat-powered human flight.
Published 8 February 2020 by Laurent Diouf
Les Rencontres ArtLabo se tenaient à la friche Antre-Peaux de Bourges le 1er février 2020. Un événement des Human Tech Days de la Région Centre-Val de Loire. Reportage.
Published 7 February 2020 by Rob La Frenais
The 2020 edition of Transmediale was on the subject of ‘networks’. Rob La Frenais followed the 'End to End' symposium for Makery.
Published 22 January 2020 by Arnaud Idelon
Volumes is a collaborative space in Paris that includes coworking, a makerspace and a food lab. Now it’s preparing to open its second space just around the corner.
Published 22 January 2020 by Rob La Frenais
For the last few days people have been flocking to the elite resort of Davos, Switzerland, where every year the World Economic Forum is held. Climate change activists also converge, but how to persuade industry and governments to listen to science data? Rob la Frenais talked to activists present in Davos.
Published 20 January 2020 by Céliane Svoboda
In residency at the Re-store in Paris, thr34d5 (threads) medialab uses design and open source as vectors toward a more inclusive society, with a little kombucha on the side. Interview.
Published 19 December 2019 by Cherise Fong
Nine years after the tsunami that devastated northeastern Japan, a team of women in Ishinomaki are upcycling shards of broken pottery into pieces of jewelry that are sold around the world.
Published 18 December 2019 by la rédaction
In the early fall of 2019, Helen Leigh was the Feral artist-in-residency programme at Catch, Center of Art, design, and Technology. Leigh is a creative technologist with a focus on craft-based electronics and education.
Published 2 December 2019 by Ewen Chardronnet
Onkraj Gradbišča garden in central Ljubljana ia a loosely organized commons for gardening, woodmaking, performance arts, sound sculptures and biohacking. Makery met two of its founders.
Published 30 November 2019 by Rob La Frenais
The United Nations had moved COP 25 from Santiago to Madrid. What does it mean for climate activists who went on slow travel to the COP?