Champs Elysées, the most beautiful drone avenue
Paris is the first capital to host a drone race in the middle of the street. Sunday, September 4, the Champs Elysées were tuned into a huge flying area surrounded by booths, including a fablab.
Published 5 September 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Paris is the first capital to host a drone race in the middle of the street. Sunday, September 4, the Champs Elysées were tuned into a huge flying area surrounded by booths, including a fablab.
Published 30 August 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
In Brazil, an international research on the reeducation of paraplegics thanks to virtual reality produced incredible results.
Published 26 July 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
It’s summer, it’s hot, it’s time to find solutions to get some fresh air! Air-conditioning units are too expensive, and ventilation fan isn’t enough. Here are three DIY refreshing solutions.
Published 18 July 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Le 14 Juillet dans le parc du Sénat à Paris s'est tenue la première course (interdite) française «Pokémon Go». Le jeu en réalité augmentée de Nintendo n'est pourtant pas encore officiellement déployé en France. On y était.
Published 14 June 2016
Google Tango pour la réalité augmentée sort de sa phase développement pour être intégré sur un smartphone fabriqué par Lenovo, en vente pour environ 500$.
Published 13 May 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Turning one’s remote control into a gesture-controlled casing is an idea from the Belgian maker Frederick Vandenbosch.
Published 10 May 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
With the virtual reality headsets such as Oculus Rift or HTC Vive that cost €700, playing in VR isn’t yet in everyone’s budget. Except if you follow these recipes.
Published 3 May 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
American hacker Dave Asprey developed the “Bulletproof coffee”, a mix of coffee, butter and coconut oil meant to improve concentration.
Published 26 April 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Science amateurs have been fantasizing about perpetual motion machines. In theory, they should keep running until the end of time. In practice, they don't. DIY projects in review.
Published 1 March 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Etre plus performant, développer une super-intelligence… Le rêve de l'augmentation cognitive se popularise au-delà des biohackers. Electrostimulation et nootropes se répandent parmi les étudiants. Des start-ups surfent sur la vague. Enquête.
Published 16 February 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Theo Jansen has become famous for his wind-powered millipede creatures made from recycled plastic. Several DIY models celebrate this art of movement. Review.
Published 1 February 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Poietis prints living cells. Backed up by patents, the company has just raised 2.5 million euros to develop a laser-assisted technology of high definition printing of human tissues.
Published 12 January 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Oculus tripped up when it announced the price of its virtual reality headset at $599. Time to take a look at the OSVR open source head-mounted display, less expensive.
Published 8 January 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
The nice radios that can't read a smartphone playlist are no longer popular. What if we mixed state-of-the-art Bluetooth speakers, often expensive or charmless, with a disused device?
Published 14 December 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Our selection of gifts to transform all those little geeks who demand the latest game console into apprentice makers who learn the rules of tinkering by doing.
Published 1 December 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Using tiny Arduino circuits, Ken Burns has just launched on Kickstarter kits to build miniature arcade games, complete with cabinet, that are both playable and customizable.
Published 24 November 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
L’Increvable (“imperishable”) is a concept washing machine that counters the tendency of objects to break down in order to be replaced.
Published 24 November 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
The Blackmarket, a performance on the border between art and media experience brought together some 50 experts around the theme of Anthropocene at Musée de l’Homme. Each one of them had a one-on-one rendez-vous with the public.
Published 13 November 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Dassault Systèmes is launching the 3DExperience Lab, a start-up accelerator. Axelle Lemaire, deputy minister for digital economy, came to foster this program.
Published 10 November 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
MIT researchers have developed RF-Capture, algorithms that analyze the rebounds of Wi-Fi on the human body in order to draw its figure.