100 more terrible ideas at France’s 1st stupid hackathon
Sprint session of ironic prototyping at the first French stupid hackathon organized by the Stereolux Arts and Technologies Laboratory in Nantes on October 29.
Published 1 November 2016
Sprint session of ironic prototyping at the first French stupid hackathon organized by the Stereolux Arts and Technologies Laboratory in Nantes on October 29.
Published 20 October 2016
To reconstitute his lost memories, Colombian artist Fito Segrera created an installation that tinkers with your memories using an Open BCI (brain-computer interface) headset.
Published 11 October 2016 by Carine Claude
A hood to blind surveillance cameras, a public bench transformed into a shelter...“Hacker Citizen” is a book of recipes to reappropriate urban space.
Published 20 September 2016
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a €15m loan agreement with Ultimaker for its R&D and its educ “Pioneer program”.
Published 13 September 2016 by Carine Claude
Le prototype de tracteur à pédales Aggrozouk (ex-Bicitractor) s'exposait pendant la Paris Design Week. Une alternative DiY et écolo aux machines industrielles coûteuses.
Published 26 July 2016
Le Fabshop, c'est fini, mais son matériel va avoir une deuxième vie. Des imprimantes 3D, du matériel informatique... l'inventaire de l'entreprise malouine est mis en vente jusqu'à fin août.
Published 18 July 2016
More than 2,300km on the odometer and 30 labs visited in a month. The riders of the Fab Bike Tour pursue their European labs visits on bicycle.
Published 21 June 2016 by Carine Claude
Karim Asry and Cesar Garcia Saez, founding members of the brand new association of Spanish labs, were in Toulouse at the Fablab Festival. Encounter.
Published 3 May 2016 by Carine Claude
From frenzy to strokes of genius to missed opportunities, the industrial history of additive manufacturing is a spiky journey to the present. Second part of our investigation.
Published 5 April 2016
Le fablab grenoblois La Casemate a décidé de mettre à disposition gratuitement son outil de gestion de lab.
Published 5 April 2016 by Carine Claude
Growth crisis? The 3D printer and promises of digital fabrication for all are struggling to make their way into households despite a high-growth global market.
Published 29 March 2016
The artist Gilles Azzaro has 3D printed Neil Gershenfeld's voice at Artilect fablab in Toulouse (France). He answers the question “What is fablab?”
Published 22 March 2016
An international team of scientists has developed a technique to 3D print graphene aerogel, the world's lightest material weighing in at 7.5 times lighter than air.
Published 8 March 2016
A surprising study confirms it: the sounds of 3D printers reveal crucial information on the source code of printed objects.
Published 24 February 2016
Paris launched its plan to elevate the French capital into “a city of makers” on par with Barcelona and New York.
Published 22 February 2016
Two German artists clandestinely scanned Nefertiti's famous bust and then put the files online under free license.
Published 16 February 2016
Without mention of the coder's gender, open source programs designed by women are better than that of men, according to an American university study published on February 9.
Published 26 January 2016 by Carine Claude
With new PCBs coming out almost every month, rapid prototyping kits are proving the success of the Internet of Things with apprentice makers. Makery selected its top 10.
Published 13 January 2016
Wefarmup, a French equipment-sharing platform for farmers, similar in principle to Airbnb.
Published 22 December 2015 by Carine Claude
Cameron Smith a conçu une combinaison spatiale DiY légère et maniable qui coûte moins de 1000 dollars. Avec l'aide d'une communauté internationale d'astronautes amateurs.