
Whisper in Van Gogh’s 3D-printed ear
Published 17 June 2014 by la rédaction
This is (almost) Van Gogh’s severed ear.

14 wacky projects at the NYC Resistor Interactive Show 2014
Published 17 June 2014 by Cherise Fong
Wacky, playful, experimental projects at the Interactive Show 2014 of NYC Resistor, the Brooklyn-based hackerspace.

Life in lab mode
Published 9 June 2014 by Annick Rivoire
What is a fablab, a hackerspace, a makerspace? Can we believe in a "third industrial revolution"?

Welcome to Makery, media of all labs
Published 7 June 2014 by Annick Rivoire
We are launching Makery in order to give out information on labs, these sites of creative DiY, sharing experiences and innovation.

11,000 addicted to the first French MOOC on digital fabrication
Published 7 June 2014 by Quentin Chevrier
“It was awesome, I’m exhausted.” Baptiste Gaultier, engineer at Télécom Bretagne, comments on the success of the first French MOOC FAB.

open SNP, the P2P of the genome
Published 7 June 2014 by la rédaction
The first open-source platform intended to share human genotype is celebrating its 1000th online genotype.

URME, a 3D face mask against video surveillance
Published 7 June 2014 by la rédaction
The best way to be anonymous is to be anyone or rather… be Leo Selvaggio.

Labtrotters tour the globe
Published 3 June 2014 by Quentin Chevrier
From fablabs to hackerspaces, they go and meet the makers' communities in America, Africa, India, Netherlands...