“BioCoder”, latest news of bio DiY
Get fluent in biohacking with the Biocoder quarterly newsletter.
Published 29 July 2014
Get fluent in biohacking with the Biocoder quarterly newsletter.
Published 29 July 2014
A fun book packed with great ideas to reinvent the future of towns and mobility thanks to urban hacks.
Published 28 July 2014 by Carine Claude
How 3D printed medical tools are about to change space surgery.
Published 22 July 2014 by Carine Claude
DiY of the week: a parabolic solar oven to cook in summer without breaking the bank.
Published 22 July 2014 by Quentin Chevrier
Overlooking Barcelona lies an experimental fablab that is one-of-a-kind: Valldaura, the self-sufficient Green Fablab.
Published 22 July 2014 by Carine Claude
La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris welcomed « Earth Coding », a workshop with the artist Martin Howse.
Published 21 July 2014 by Carine Claude
A cheap metal 3D printer is the promise of Matterfab, a young American start-up.
Published 15 July 2014 by Annick Rivoire
Artists offer user instructions to 3D print the Art Deco chess set Duchamp sculpted in 1919.
Published 14 July 2014 by Carine Claude
Why ten-year forecasts presiding over a Wikipedia for makers are not in the least far-fetched.
Published 14 July 2014 by Carine Claude
BottleCutter 2.0 is a manual bottle cutter. It is basic but efficient and recycles in a single motion one’s used bottles into plastic string.
Published 11 July 2014 by Camille Bosqué
The annual meeting of fablabbers came to an end on July 8 in Barcelona, after an intense week of workshops, talks and beach parties.
Published 10 July 2014 by Carine Claude
Spanish Basque Country will have its second MIT-approved fablab at the University of Bilbao.
Published 8 July 2014 by Carine Claude
A curious ovoid memory-based sculpture developed with the Parisian fablab Maker/Seine.
Published 8 July 2014 by Quentin Chevrier
10 fablabbers and their points of view, projects, needs, ambitions from all over the world.
Published 7 July 2014 by la rédaction
Published 1 July 2014 by la rédaction
"Sur les rails" is the fruit of the collaborative labour between sound artists keen on circuit bending and autistic and disabled people.
Published 30 June 2014 by Carine Claude
Cardboard and a smartphone. These are the essential ingredients to assemble your Cardboard virtual reality headset.
Published 30 June 2014 by Camille Bosqué
What to expect from FAB10, the 10th International Fab Lab Conference in Barcelona gathering makers from 250 fablabs, 40 countries, on 2-8 July
Published 24 June 2014 by Carine Claude
What does a hack festival look like? Mid June, Loop organised its Vent en Poop in Paris at an official squat.
Published 23 June 2014 by la rédaction
7,500 visitors roamed the aisles of the first Maker Faire Paris on the 21st and 22nd of June at Centquatre. A public success despite some muddles.