Do it Yourself: Automatic Tinder Finger
In a minimalist DIY approach to save their over-eager fingers from carpal tunnel syndrome, a few makers tried their hands at hacking the mobile matchmaking app Tinder.
Published 26 May 2015 by Quentin Chevrier
In a minimalist DIY approach to save their over-eager fingers from carpal tunnel syndrome, a few makers tried their hands at hacking the mobile matchmaking app Tinder.
Published 26 May 2015 by Elsa Ferreira
Wikimedia France held a hackathon near Lyon from May 23rd to 25th, where 250 members of a community with millions of volunteer contributors got together to improve the sharing of knowledge.
Published 26 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Staging mock negotiations ahead of COP21 in December is the aim of the “Theatre of Negotiations” event this week. Makery visited the construction site.
Published 22 May 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Passing objects transform virtual reality into “surrealism” in “Lab’Surd”, installation of the researcher artist Judith Guez.
Published 19 May 2015 by Caroline Grellier
In Togo, the makers community of Minodoo organizes OpenSourceTours, some wandering introductory events in the true spirit of open source.
Published 19 May 2015 by Carine Claude
A huge mix of geekeries and experiences for the general public made up the programme for the THSF, a festival organized by art collective Mix’art Myrys and Tetalab hackerspace, May 14-17, in Toulouse.
Published 18 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
An application to have an object you designed in vector produced, it's Fab Family, editing platform for a democratised and distributed design.
Published 18 May 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Furniture made of reusable pallets is the workshop proposed by the green warriors of UpCycly in Montreuil, as part of the peach wall Festival on May 24th. Makery was there.
Published 12 May 2015 by Carine Claude
The crew of Compagnie du Bátar presented in Toulouse Fablab Festival its very own longship, 100% homemade in extreme DIY.
Published 12 May 2015 by Damien Bourniquel
Artist Damien Bourniquel, from Blackboxe, has created for Makery a mash-up of his WYHIWYS series dedicated to Mario, the legendary plumber.
Published 11 May 2015 by Carine Claude
A network of French fablabs in the works, 50 fablabs and 5,000 visitors were present: The Toulouse Fablab Festival passes the test of its first edition with flying colours.
Published 11 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Hack the COP: the two co-founders of the Insurrectionary imagination laboratory are preparing the Climate Games, civil disobedience games for December in Paris.
Published 11 May 2015 by Elsa Ferreira
It’s possible to recreate the pleasant analogue fuzz of Moog era synthesizers without breaking the bank. At Shoogle studios in Glasgow, Makery built a synth for ten pounds.
Published 5 May 2015 by Annick Rivoire
Seed bombs, those seed balls made to be tossed into the fallow spaces of our cities, are fun and easy to make.
Published 5 May 2015 by Caroline Grellier
For her agro-material design agency project La Termatière, Caroline Grellier went off to Togo to observe the activity of a research centre in local materials.
Published 4 May 2015 by la rédaction
A big success for the 2nd edition of the Paris Maker Faire that quadrupled its visits this year, setting up at the Paris Trade Fair on the 2nd and 3rd of May.
Published 4 May 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Advanced prototyping for the MakerBox, the gift box project from "Usbek & Rica". Before the public launch in October, Makery was among the proto-testers at WoMa.
Published 4 May 2015 by Camille Bosqué
Interview with French sociologist Michel Lallement, who writes in “Maker era” his one year immersed at Noisebridge, a hackerspace in San Francisco.
Published 28 April 2015 by Quentin Chevrier
25 participants occupied Les EKLUZ on Saturday April 25 to DIY everything and anything during the 3rd Bricole it Yourself hosted by Makery. Projects in review.
Published 28 April 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
To aid rescue efforts after the earthquake that devastated Nepal, Kathmandu Living Labs opened an OpenStreetMap Situation Room.