YouFab 2015 showcases FabCafé Tokyo’s international winners
The best of YouFab 2015, the creative fabrication contest organized by FabCafé Tokyo. Makery was there.
Published 26 January 2016
The best of YouFab 2015, the creative fabrication contest organized by FabCafé Tokyo. Makery was there.
Published 22 January 2016 by Caroline Grellier
Developed by Cirad and makers from la Fruitière numérique in Lourmarin (France), the Elephant Box could solve the man-elephant conflict in Africa.
Published 21 January 2016
Discover the new site features Makery.info: simpler, enriched and more mobile.
Published 21 January 2016
The inquiry of the independent journalist appointed by Kickstarter to understand the biggest failure of crowdfunding, the Zano mini-drone, is online.
Published 19 January 2016
The activists organized a false press conference in Brussels to praise their solution against terrorism, armored overalls in the shape of a sphere, ridiculous and cumbersome.
Published 19 January 2016 by Cherise Fong
Open source and soon to be sold for less than a hundred euros, OCPC heralds the revolution of the computer numerical control machine for all.
Published 19 January 2016 by Annick Rivoire
In "Dadabot", a formidable essay on "creolization" in the digital age, Nicolas Nova and Joël Vacheron give an overview of this "new human-machine relationship". Interview.
Published 18 January 2016
A survey analyzes the low representation of women in hackerspaces and makerspaces in Great Britain.
Published 13 January 2016
Wefarmup, a French equipment-sharing platform for farmers, similar in principle to Airbnb.
Published 12 January 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Oculus tripped up when it announced the price of its virtual reality headset at $599. Time to take a look at the OSVR open source head-mounted display, less expensive.
Published 12 January 2016
Planetary Resources and 3D Systems unveiled the first 3D printed object from asteroid metals at the CES in Las Vegas.
Published 11 January 2016 by Fabien Eychenne
Each year from January to June, the Fab Academy offers five intense months of tinkering and digital fabrication. This program initiated by MIT attracts a growing number of students.
Published 11 January 2016 by Caroline Grellier
The Termatière project has been under development for a year, with turbulences and accelerations. Time for a first assessment for our maker columnist, and now start-uper in bio-sourced materials.
Published 8 January 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
The nice radios that can't read a smartphone playlist are no longer popular. What if we mixed state-of-the-art Bluetooth speakers, often expensive or charmless, with a disused device?
Published 5 January 2016 by Quentin Chevrier
An afternoon of prototyping organized by Adami allowed a get-together of artists and techno-creators for them to imagine future stage accessories. Makery was amongst them.
Published 5 January 2016 by Cherise Fong
Made in Japan, Mesh is the latest prototyping kit for all, allowing anyone to playfully appropriate the Internet of Things—following in the footsteps of U.S. start-up Littlebits and European initiative SAM.
Published 4 January 2016 by Elsa Ferreira
Can the fiascos of participative funding obstruct the success of crowdfunding? In November 2015 the mini-drone Zano burnt its wings despite 3 million euros raised on Kickstarter. Enquiry.
Published 4 January 2016 by Caroline Grellier
Both director of a model palm grove and developer of software made in Africa, Yao Dodzi Dogbo from Côte d'Ivoire is a fervent supporter of using new technologies for agriculture.
Published 22 December 2015 by Carine Claude
Cameron Smith a conçu une combinaison spatiale DiY légère et maniable qui coûte moins de 1000 dollars. Avec l'aide d'une communauté internationale d'astronautes amateurs.
Published 15 December 2015 by Cherise Fong
The very first FabLearn Asia took place on December 12-13 in Yokohama. It was inspired by the original FabLearn conference organized since 2011 by Stanford University. Makery was there