Column of a material maker (17)
This summer, Termatière, the material company project recycling agricultural waste, moved on to prototyping: a vine shoot composite panel, designed in a lab, was cut in a fablab.
Published 29 August 2016 by Caroline Grellier
This summer, Termatière, the material company project recycling agricultural waste, moved on to prototyping: a vine shoot composite panel, designed in a lab, was cut in a fablab.
Published 2 August 2016 by la rédaction
The Science Underground Academy was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from July 13-22. Slovene bio-artist and guest mentor of this 2nd edition Robertina Šebjanič reports on this experience for Makery.
Published 2 August 2016 by Timothée Gosselin
Diary of the biohacker Timothée Gosselin who is taking part in Biology Zero, a bootcamp to discover DIY biology at the Valldaura Green Fablab, from July 27 to August 5.
Published 2 August 2016 by Annick Rivoire
Interview with Thomas Landrain, president of La Paillasse, a Parisian biohacklab that has disrupted scientific research and initiates projects for open innovation.
Published 1 August 2016 by Cherise Fong
Laser-cut seaweed, drugged flies as miniature models of patients suffering from Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease… D-lab innovates in both education and design.
Published 1 August 2016 by Miriam Engle
Miriam Engle, an American labtrotter, is exploring South America. In Peru, she supports the Floating fablab project, a narcotraffiker boat converted into an environmentally responsible lab. Story.
Published 26 July 2016 by Ewen Chardronnet
Marc Dusseiller, co-founder of the DIYbio network Hackteria, is a passionate promoter of open hardware. This is all the more evident in part 2 of our interview.
Published 26 July 2016
Le Fabshop, c'est fini, mais son matériel va avoir une deuxième vie. Des imprimantes 3D, du matériel informatique... l'inventaire de l'entreprise malouine est mis en vente jusqu'à fin août.
Published 26 July 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
It’s summer, it’s hot, it’s time to find solutions to get some fresh air! Air-conditioning units are too expensive, and ventilation fan isn’t enough. Here are three DIY refreshing solutions.
Published 21 July 2016
For the first time, not just a city but an entire country is a candidate to host the FAB14 conference in 2018.
Published 21 July 2016 by Cherise Fong
Reborn Kyoto breathes new life into old kimonos. The nonprofit organization trains marginalized women in Cambodia, Vietnam or Rwanda, while transforming quality silk into ready-to-wear fashion.
Published 19 July 2016 by Ewen Chardronnet
Marc Dusseiller, cofounder of the international open source network of biohackers and bioartists Hackteria talks about how the DIYbio movement came to Europe.
Published 19 July 2016 by Manon Walquan
In Tübingen, the fablab concerns itself with social integration of migrants and takes part in the Freifunk project for free access to the Internet. Guided tour.
Published 19 July 2016 by Caroline Grellier
Caroline Grellier allowed herself a little getaway outside the lab where she refines her vine shoot composites to find inspiration at Terra2016, world congress for lovers of earthen architecture.
Published 18 July 2016
More than 2,300km on the odometer and 30 labs visited in a month. The riders of the Fab Bike Tour pursue their European labs visits on bicycle.
Published 18 July 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Le 14 Juillet dans le parc du Sénat à Paris s'est tenue la première course (interdite) française «Pokémon Go». Le jeu en réalité augmentée de Nintendo n'est pourtant pas encore officiellement déployé en France. On y était.
Published 12 July 2016 by Ewen Chardronnet
Border Sessions was held in The Hague on July 6-7, offering a full schedule of talks and workshops to scratch disruptive technologies, or “fringe tech” pushing the science limits.
Published 12 July 2016 by Cherise Fong
The house built by makers Rob Oudendijk and Yuka Hayashi has no foundation, its walls are made of extruded polystyrene foam and mortar. Visit of this DIY domicile.
Published 7 July 2016 by Elsa Ferreira
With 21 million views, Wintergatan’s Marble Machine is a YouTube hit. Interview with its creator, Martin Molin, a born maker.