Špela Petrič and her plant-human embryos
The Slovenian bio-artist Špela Petrič offered a performance with extraction of hormones on October 21 at the Plateforme C fablab in Nantes. She also presented her “plant-human monsters".
Published 31 October 2016 by Ewen Chardronnet
The Slovenian bio-artist Špela Petrič offered a performance with extraction of hormones on October 21 at the Plateforme C fablab in Nantes. She also presented her “plant-human monsters".
Published 27 October 2016 by Elsa Ferreira
The flourishing start-up of Alex Klein, 26, has already sold 100,000 DIY computer kits and is launching a new range of tech objects to build and code yourself. Encounter.
Published 25 October 2016 by Manon Walquan
No need to be a billionaire to experience outer space. Makery teaches you to convert an ordinary ballpoint pen into an “anti-gravity” pen to write in any position...
Published 24 October 2016 by Caroline Grellier
The future biodesign agency Termatière now has its first material, a composite of vine shoots for manufacturing wine crates.
Published 22 October 2016 by Elsa Ferreira
The Chemputer, developed by Lee Cronin with support from BAE Systems, is one of the first prototypes to seriously tackle digitizing chemistry.
Published 20 October 2016
To reconstitute his lost memories, Colombian artist Fito Segrera created an installation that tinkers with your memories using an Open BCI (brain-computer interface) headset.
Published 18 October 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
The 4th Fashion Tech Week in Paris culminated on October 13 at Institut français de la mode, with an exhibition of smart clothing. Follow the guide to build your 1st e-textile circuit.
Published 17 October 2016 by Ewen Chardronnet
The Influencers festival, on October 20-22 in Barcelona, presents the best of tactical media. We met its founder, Bani Brusadin.
Published 14 October 2016 by Elsa Ferreira
Welcome to the future. In less than a month, two titles composed by artificial intelligence have exceeded 1.5 million views on the Web.
Published 12 October 2016 by Alexis Rowell
For the last 9 months Alexis & Blanche have been trying to reduce their waste to zero. By the end of September, they reached 90g per person per week. How do they do it?
Published 11 October 2016 by Julien Paris
From September 26 to October 5 at the Medialab Prado, Visualizar questioned the use of urban open data. Feedback from Julien Paris the developer sent by Ping and the Makery medialab.
Published 11 October 2016 by Carine Claude
A hood to blind surveillance cameras, a public bench transformed into a shelter...“Hacker Citizen” is a book of recipes to reappropriate urban space.
Published 10 October 2016 by Caroline Grellier
What are the recipes that make fablabs a success? Born in 2011, the Ouagalab is the oldest makerspace in West Africa. Report.
Published 6 October 2016 by Annick Rivoire
Makery is on-site to accompany the construction of a future shelter for refugees in Paris, co-designed by architects, graphic designers, social workers and botany artists.
Published 4 October 2016
French committed citizens create a solidarity app for the roofless, “Besoin d’un toi”. Activation this month.
Published 4 October 2016 by Ewen Chardronnet
It’s the very first prototype to which the Makery medialab is contributing, as part of the cooperation platform Artlabo. Libviz is a website to view shared and augmented favorites.
Published 4 October 2016
The two Arduinos become one. The cofounders have finally buried the hatchet and announced the creation of Arduino Holding at the end of 2016.
Published 3 October 2016 by Nicolas Barrial
Almost all have graduated from their prototype phase. Virtual reality headsets are now entering the “positioning war” phase, with augmented reality in ambush. Products in review.
Published 27 September 2016
In order to create Fabcity dataviz tools, Makery and Plateforme C participate in the Visualizar’16 Open Cities workshop at Medialab Prado in Madrid, from September 26 to October 5.
Published 27 September 2016 by Ewen Chardronnet
Mid-October, Paris will have its “orientation and shelter place” for refugees. Makery decided to support this construction site entrusted to the architect Julien Beller.