Look Mum No Computer, portrait of a musician 100% maker
He plays synth on his bike, turns Trump into a toupeed Furby and everything he touches into a musical instrument. In London, Makery met Sam Battle, aka Look Mum No Computer.
Published 3 February 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
He plays synth on his bike, turns Trump into a toupeed Furby and everything he touches into a musical instrument. In London, Makery met Sam Battle, aka Look Mum No Computer.
Published 2 February 2017
Tokyo 2020 organizing committee invites all residents of Japan to donate their obsolete electronic devices to manufacture 100% of the Olympic medals.
Published 31 January 2017
According to a study published by four major universities, resorting to 3D printing in PLA would allow the textile industry to be more respectful of the environment.
Published 31 January 2017 by Carine Claude
During a workshop on January 27-28 in Paris, The Yes Men, masters of hoax, shared their recipes for staging peaceful acts of protest and poking fun at the media. Ingredients.
Published 31 January 2017 by Laurent Catala
It’s summertime in Buenos Aires, not the best time to discover the growing network of Argentinian fablabs. While waiting for FAB13, the fabconf in Santiago de Chile in July, visit of El Reactor.
Published 30 January 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
One month after Brexit, there was Hack Brexit, a hackathon to create tools that counteracted misleading political campaigns. Six months later, the collective presents two prototypes.
Published 30 January 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
She has a flat stomach and a full brain. In Shenzhen, Naomi “Sexy Cyborg” Wu makes infinity mini-skirts and translucent “blinkinis”. Interview with the “lady maker”.
Published 24 January 2017
Europe is pondering robots. On January 12, members of the Committee on Legal Affairs met to discuss regulations for robotics to be adopted by the European Union.
Published 24 January 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
Ever since complex theories have been popularized, self-proclaimed geniuses have been proposing their own answers to science’s unanswered questions. The scientific community is disconcerted by these DIY theories.
Published 24 January 2017 by Caroline Grellier
The first material of Termatière, a vine shoot composite, is in the hands of potential clients. Our maker met other fans of materials to recycle in Africa.
Published 23 January 2017 by Carine Claude
Here the tutorial for the Pussy Hat, the pink hat with cat ears worn by thousands of protesters during the Women’s March on Washington on January 21. The fun anti-Trump symbol.
Published 23 January 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
A house that adapts to seasons and opens like a flower. The nice idea of London architects became viral… 7 years later. But still not real. Meeting with the creators of “D*Dynamic”.
Published 17 January 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
Skipper Alain Thébault chose Paris to test his eco-taxis that hover above the water. Initially announced for June, the Sea Bubbles are still 3D models.
Published 17 January 2017
103 Perdix mini drones swarmed in the sky thanks to collective artificial intelligence, announced the secretary of the U.S. Department of Defense on January 9.
Published 17 January 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
For its reopening, one had to hit hard. Therefore, it is on fear, love, hope and doubt that the first exhibition of the Design Museum in London relied on. Quite a program.
Published 17 January 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
Bot breeder and connected objects specialist, Matt Webb is a tireless creative person who refuses the maker label. His latest project: a book distributor based on recommendations. Meeting.
Published 16 January 2017 by DCALK (Paris/Bruxelles)
Constant in Brussels is exhibiting “(New) Objects in Common: Peggy” by the Libre Objet collective. Our DCALK columnists introduce this open source furniture project for fablabs.
Published 10 January 2017 by la rédaction
Fablabs, digital fabrication, DIY… What’s in store for 2017? Makery consulted experts, makers, fabmanagers and other tinkerers at the dawn of the new year.
Published 10 January 2017 by Caroline Grellier
Ecoteclab, makerspace dedicated to ecological initiatives, has just emerged in the Togolese capital. Meeting with a community of young enthusiasts at the Togo Maker Fest.
Published 10 January 2017 by Cherise Fong
For its 4th edition, the YouFab Global Creative Awards has selected 23 finalists. As we wait for the winners to be announced by Fabcafe Tokyo, here are our favorites.