Makery.info is an online magazine, bilingual French/English, free and ad-free, covering the Do-It-Yourself and creative communities scene since 2014. Makery carries the voice of cultural players, intellectuals, artists and more generally all those who are part of social innovation, think and act for a more ecological, inclusive and open world.
Directed by Anne-Cécile Worms (art2m.eu), Makery is also a partner in several international cultural programs and networks, and involved in several publications, residency programs, research-action programs, artistic and cultural events.
The economic model
Makery’s business model has evolved. Makery focuses on national and international cooperation and partnerships of the media and the medialab Makery.
The Makery project is supported by a small team (intending to grow!) brought together by Anne-Cécile Worms in the10th arrondissement of Paris.
Anne-Cécile Worms, managing director
Entrepreneur and editor, graduate of the “Institut d’études Politiques de Paris”, Anne-Cécile Worms, who co-founded her first start-up in electronic music in 1999, has been publishing MCD the Magazine of Digital Cultures since 2003 with special issues including Europe of medialabs, The Internet of Objects, Free culture, Net-art…, guides and books such as Art and Digital Culture(s), international panorama. She is an expert in digital arts for the French Institute. Founder and director of Digital Art International created in 2009, she sells the Digitalarti and Artlab brands in June 2013 to launch two new brands, Art2M (Art to Machine) and Makery. Art2M is specialised in the production and distribution of exclusive or tailor made digital works of art, connected objects and innovative design. In June 2014, she brings together the Makery founding team in order to create the media of all labs.
Ewen Chardronnet, chief editor – @ewenchardronnet
Ewen Chardronnet started writing for Makery in 2014. He initiated in 2016 the Makery medialab. Since April 2019 he’s chief editor of Makery.info. In 2016 he released a book on the history of the foundation of the American space program between 1935 and 1955 (Mojave Epiphanie, Inculte, march 2016). In 2014, he also directed the e-book Artisans Numériques («Digital Craftmen», Hyx, 2014).
Elsa Ferreira, assistant chief editor @_ElsaFerreira_
A freelance journalist with degrees in law and journalism, Elsa Ferreira specializes in technology, innovation, collaborative economy and music economy. Assistant chief editor of Makery since June 2022, Elsa Ferreira also works for publications such as Tsugi, Libération, Stylist, GQ or Rue89.
Cherise Fong, correspondent in Tokyo, translator
Cherise worked in web start-ups in New York, Monaco and London before she became an independent journalist. Since then she has worked at CNN.com International in Hong Kong and contributed to MCD, Poptronics… For Makery, she brings news of labs and maker culture from Japan, while translating articles into English.
François Robin, webmaster and editorial secretary
François Robin is a senor webmaster. He integrates Makery to manage its web platforms and ediotrial secretary.
Ada Fizir, marketing and communication manager
Ada Fizir graduated in info-com in Toulouse. In 2003 she joins Qualcomm (QCO-Nasdaq) as European marketing & communication executive where she specialises in corporate and financial communication until the end of 2011. Concurrently, she co-founds and directs the association Musiques & Cultures Digitales and is the publishing manager for the Magazine des Cultures Digitales. The association produces workshops on digital creation and fabrication, lead by new media artists. Ada Fizir signs an agreement between MCD and Ville de Paris in order to manage and lead the Ekluz cultural and digital factory in the 10th arrondissement of Paris as of the 1st of May 2014. At the end of 2013 she joins the Art2M team as marketing and communication manager. She is the initiator of the Makery project.
Annick Rivoire – journalist @poptronicsfr
Journalist and critic, this new media specialist has followed its evolution for the daily newspaper Libération since the first appearance of the Web in 1995. In 2007, she launches Poptronics, an online media and cultural agitator in many events (Island-Cneai, Gamerz, Sonor, Nuits de l’Ososphère, ArtRock…). She provides the editorial design for exhibitions (Play Again, Imaginarium de Tourcoing, 2013, Do it Yourself, le labo des bricodeurs numériques, Imaginarium, 2012, MuseoGames, musée des Arts et métiers, 2010). She is in charge of editorial design and acted as chief editor for Makery until 2018.
Aurélien Fache, programmer – @mathemagie
Aurélien Fache is a key person in the history of the French Internet. Having worked as a programmer in the early 2000s at Multimania, Lycos and Caramail, he took part in the creation of Dailymotion in 2004 (even though the video sharing website was still called Short TV), then co-founded the online media Owni (2009-2012) and also participated in Netvibes, a bookmark-sharing platform. He set up the APIdays for Faber Novel, an innovation agency. In October 2013 he joins the collective We love the Net that develops with Happy Trucs dreamlike connected objects. For Makery, he was in charge of all the technical great ideas and the IT deployment of the project.
Quentin Chevrier, photographer, content & community manager – @unquentin
Pure offshoot of the lab culture, he was a coordinator of the Artlab (creation lab dedicated to digital art, Paris), organised the hack machine events (2012-2014). Jack of all trades and DiYer himself (he can handle an Aruindo kit), photographer and skier, Quentin provided content in the first years of Makery, gathering contacts and generating atmospheres for communities. He was in charge of content and social networks (Twitter and Facebook) from 2014 to 2016. He’s now successful in his professional photographer career.
VNBC, artistic directors
VNBC, collective of freelance graphic designers, is in charge of the graphic design for Makery. Just the opposite of the large agencies where they earned their spurs, Victor Nioré and Benoît Champy assert their multidisciplinality with detachment and humour. Their 360° artistic direction work seduces the press and communication business for which transversality is henceforth the rule. VNBC also alternate mainstream and confidential projects such as VJ sets (real time visual performances) or interactive video set-ups.
Carine Claude, journalist – @carine_claude
Carine worked for ten years in institutions before making a radical career change by choosing the path of a Professional Masters Degree in cultural journalism at Paris III university. She has been working as an independent journalist since 2003 for l’Express, la Tribune, Poptronics and from now on Makery.
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