Nicolas Nova.
The announcement of the death of Nicolas Nova, anthropologist, teacher-researcher at HEAD – Geneva, HES-SO, essayist, entrepreneur, but also friend, leaves us abandoned and distraught.
Nicolas Nova was a generous spirit. An eternally curious observer of everyday life. I’m not the only one to wonder where he got his energy from. How he managed to write so much, read so much, listen so much, all the while observing the world. For him, everything was valid and respectable: a piece of sidewalk near the Official Injection Center he lived next to in Geneva, like a strip of desert a few meters from the potential Roswell crash site he visited last summer.
His vision of the socio-technical world in which we live was equally original and singular. Witness his latest book, Persistance du merveilleux, le petit peuple des machines recently published by Premier Parallèle. A thinker of the contemporary (and a contemporary thinker), Nicolas Nova was regularly interviewed on Makery, and we wanted to pay tribute to him by republishing the articles in which he expressed himself:
Nicolas Nova : smartphones et wild-tech, « entre hautes-technologies et réappropriation par la rue » (in french)
Nicolas Nova sees dada in big data