Published 24 October 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
#BalanceTonPorc (“RatoutYourPig”) in France and #MeToo will not be enough. Women still have a lot to do to command respect. #JustInCase, here is a small tutorial for a DIY pepper spray…
A fallen Hollywood producer, worldwide realization via the tsunami of tweets using the French hashtags #BalanceTonPorc and the Anglo-Saxon #MeToo that describe improper comments, touching, blackmail and other unbearable sexual abuse. Speech has been freed, shame has changed sides. A gathering is even taking place this Sunday in Paris to exit from social networks.
Because makers, by definition, “do”, and violence against women must cease, Makery decided to offer you a tutorial unlike our other DIYs. A tiny bit aggressive since it’s about making one’s own pepper spray. Not because violence calls for violence, but rather because while waiting for society to evolve, laws to be applied, a little pepper in the eyes of an aggressor is effective, it’s painful but not lethal. And making it yourself provides a significant dose of confidence…
The pepper mix
The mix is the sinews of war. Depending on the dosage, you can spurn a man but also a bear, which goes to show.
– Strong pepper or chili (fresh or in flakes);
– Preserving vinegar;
– Cooking oil.
Chop and crush the chili, then macerate in vinegar that will act as preservative. The more it macerates the more effective it is (from one to four weeks). With pepper, it’s faster, one night will do. The advantage with chili is that, depending on its type, you obtain a more or less formidable mix. The Scoville scale measures the pungency of chili pepper or other spicy food. You can also add a little oil: it will stick to the aggressor’s face who will amplify the effect by wiping his face. If the mix is too thick, dilute it with a little water.
The spray
This is a tutorial for a tiny spray that will go unnoticed in a bag.
– Two small soda plastic bottles with tops;
– A small spray head and its tube (from a used squeeze bottle);
– Dust spray;
– Epoxy glue, sand paper, a cutter, a drill.
First step: the pump dispenser

Second step: the spray head

Third step: pressurization

See the Fixitsamo tutorial video “Pepper Spray Self Defense” that inspired the DIY