2015 in the crystal ball of labs
Published 6 January 2015 by la rédaction
As Season’s Greetings, Makery asked a small question to a bunch of experts, makers, artists, fabmanagers and other tinkerers: what do you predict for 2015 concerning labs and/or digital fabrication? They didn’t all reply – is the post-new year’s eve hangover to blame? This article is therefore intended to expand…
Adrien Bracq, @nadarbreicq
Co-founder of La Machinerie, fablab and co-working space in Amiens

“For 2015, above all I hope that the lab movement will prove it is not a bubble. Labs also have to weather the still recurrent challenge of documentation and inter-lab co-operation. Biohacking seems to continue its rise whereas the predominance of 3D printing seems reasoned at last. The general public knows better and better what a lab is.
After 6 months of activity, we take on 2015 with a reorganisation of La Machinerie. We are bringing closer spaces and members of the lab and co-working sections. We are experimenting with projects internal to the lab: pooling of project ideas producible by anyone. The necessary machine time is in case free if the project is entirely documented. This system addresses the problems of newcomers with motivation but without a project idea.”
Albertine Meunier, @AlbertinMeunier

« #2015Forecasts #Coué Method Not #CrashBang.
Let’s attempt a few predictions for the 2015 world of Makery by playing with Ds:
* 4D printing (spatiotemporal): in short, time plays its dimensional role, origami folds and unfolds automatically thanks to shape memory;
* The 3D photo booth to take photos with micro characters on demand: assured successful staging;
* Draw me a robot in 2D and make it yourself in a kit. As for me, I would like a crisp-cutting robot with exactly 36 crisps in a potato
* And finally 1D crosswords for flat newspapers: a column version for this year!”
News: has just published «Les dessous de l.ho», 404 copies.
Jean Baptiste Roger, @jbroger
Director of la Fonderie, Paris region digital agency

« 2015 will no doubt be a pivotal year for fablabs. For us who are convinced of the necessity of autonomy and learning of new knowledge, it’s about enthusing over the phenomenon and turning fablabs into true local places of (re)fabrication, areas of creativity, of exchanges and of the discovery of making beyond the current pioneers. They can become real lungs at the heart of city centres to acquire skills, discover machines and creators’ projects, distort, rethink and re-enchant the existing.
At La Fonderie, we will pursue our action in favour of the emergence of these new places throughout the Paris region and encourage an increasing number of militants to “DIY”…with others.”
Agnès de Cayeux, @agnesdecayeux

« In 2015, we will at last be able to build the Bit Plane of the Bureau of Inverse Technology that was offered as a kit last millennium on the BIT website (with many other inventions incidentally, it’s a treat).
However, we won’t really be able to use it because we don’t have the right to fly through clouds with our flying machines.
In 2015, we will need to find huge labs with clouds and wind to test our machines, empty museums maybe or still deserted beaches.
In 2015, we will need more and more space to be free to fly in 0 and 1.”
News: «Piper Malibu», performance with drone, January 21st at 8pm, as part of the festival Hors Pistes, Centre Pompidou, Paris, commissioner artist invited to the Accès(s) festival in Pau next October.
Mickaël Desmoulins, @Mickouku
open innovation manager, Renault Creative Lab

© Camille Bosqué
« Broad issue… (…) From the point of view of firms, I am not sure we will see a true collaboration with classic fablabs in 2015 – at least in France. However, we have truly entered the age of DIY, and “fablab type” methods will assert themselves as the new standard to innovate in firms. Such places will establish themselves to big corporations as a form of social advancement to attract talents…”
David Guez, @davguez
artist, founder of VRlab

“2015 will be the year of confirmation of the spectacular progress of the general public virtual reality, creating a shock as important as the arrival of the Web in the 1990s.”
News: launch of VRlab in November 2014
Thomas Landrain, @t_landrain
co-founder of La Paillasse, Parisian biohackerspace about to become a lab incubator

« 2015 will be the year certain models are validated and others skimmed off. In 2014, many places were created, many models were experimented without any particular one becoming dominant. That could change in 2015. The impending arrival of Techshop in France could also play a role. Besides, there are already many places in Paris, I don’t think there will be many new ones.”
Cécile Babiole, @cecilebabiole

« I predict the explosion! »
News: Babylone élecrifiée #2, exhibition from the 16th of January until the 21st of February at Bon accueil, in Rennes
Nicolas Lassabe, @Nicolas_Lassabe
Founder of the Artilect Fablab in Toulouse

« 2015 could see the arrival of labs dedicated to production in addition to prototyping. Small series productions no doubt, but it would nevertheless represent a new professionalization of labs. On the whole, this year should see the sources of income of labs become more diversified.
2015 could also be the year where labs will play a role in the modernisation of cities, not to mention smart cities. This role would be reinforced if 2015 was the year during which labs, including French labs, were able to reinforce their network, speak with one voice, exchange more, especially the documentation for their projects. There is a lot to do in this area. And of course, ideally, all that should be done whilst keeping unsullied the values and philosophy of labs. We will have the opportunity to discuss this in May in Toulouse during the Fablab Festival.”
Jean-Michel Moleenar, @FablabGrenoble
fabmanager of Casemate, fablab in Grenoble

« 2015 is the organic year. The Fabacademy for instance becomes the Academy of Almost Anything. The tutorial How to make (almost) anything will now go hand in hand with the How to grow (almost) anything tutorial. Digital fabrication will hybridize itself with bio-fabrication.
At the Grenoble Fablab, we will try new formats: openlab Tuesday evenings (where each and every one can come and share their skills in exchange of free machine-time), use of the lab for underprivileged people…at the moment we have new subscriptions every day.
With several other European labs, we will also launch Fab Connection, a platform calling upon labs on business projects. Labs are paid, Fab Connection is paid, and 30% of the income (by agreement with the Fab Foundation) will go to fablabs in need. This is a way to create links and mutual assistance in the network!