(Edit) The boss of Make apologies again to Sexy Cyborg
Two weeks after the tweet in which he accused the Chinese maker Naomi Wu of not being what she said she was, the boss of Make Media made his second mea culpa.
Published 21 November 2017
Two weeks after the tweet in which he accused the Chinese maker Naomi Wu of not being what she said she was, the boss of Make Media made his second mea culpa.
Published 14 November 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
Chinese maker Naomi Wu, alias Sexy Cyborg, defends herself in Makery against the founder of Make, who did “crippling damage” to her reputation by accusing her of being no more than a persona.
Published 12 June 2017 by Nicolas Barrial
Nouvel organisateur, Leroy Merlin, et nouveau lieu, la Cité des sciences, pour la Maker Faire Paris 2017. La foire aux makers, privée de l'attractivité de la Foire de Paris, n'a pas battu son record d'affluence.
Published 30 January 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
She has a flat stomach and a full brain. In Shenzhen, Naomi “Sexy Cyborg” Wu makes infinity mini-skirts and translucent “blinkinis”. Interview with the “lady maker”.
Published 30 August 2016 by Elsa Ferreira
Since 1986, the Burning Man festival has set the Black Rock desert in Nevada on fire. As this 30th edition begins on August 28, Makery investigated this place of technomakers.
Published 2 May 2016 by la rédaction
Nice score! For its 3rd edition in Paris on April 30 and May 1, the Maker Faire doubles its attendance levels with 65,000 visitors. Let’s take a look at a non-stop weekend of maker frenzy.
Published 24 February 2016
Paris launched its plan to elevate the French capital into “a city of makers” on par with Barcelona and New York.
Published 26 October 2015 by Camille Bosqué
The designers of La Cool Co were at Maker Faire Rome 2015, where they talked about the difficulties of developing an open innovation project in France, their smart greenhouse proto.
Published 19 October 2015 by Camille Bosqué
Du 16 au 18 octobre, la Maker Faire Rome, berceau des éditions européennes, a engrangé 100 000 visiteurs. Sans résoudre le hiatus entre DiY désintéressé et ambitions économiques.
Published 28 November 2014 by Cherise Fong
On November 23-24, 300 Japanese makers came together at Tokyo Big Sight to show off their latest designs and inventions at Maker Faire Tokyo.
Published 23 June 2014 by la rédaction
7,500 visitors roamed the aisles of the first Maker Faire Paris on the 21st and 22nd of June at Centquatre. A public success despite some muddles.