Makery, reinventing itself for the future
After an investor failed to follow through, the media in DIY mode that you have known and loved since 2014 must reinvent itself. Here’s why.
Published 11 September 2018 by Annick Rivoire
After an investor failed to follow through, the media in DIY mode that you have known and loved since 2014 must reinvent itself. Here’s why.
Published 26 June 2018 by Elsa Ferreira
Produce locally, cheaply and favor the human factor? This is the challenge taken on by the workshop-store Unto This Last in London, pioneer of digital handcrafted furniture production.
Published 5 June 2018
Microsoft has acquired GitHub for 7.5 billion dollars. The news has raised concerns within the community of open source developers.
Published 19 December 2017 by la rédaction
As the TechShop saga rages on in the U.S., a new TechShop opens inside Station F in Paris, while TechShop Tokyo forges ahead with impassive optimism.
Published 16 November 2017 by Carine Claude
The maker world has taken a blow. On Wednesday, November 15, the TechShop makerspace chain, now liquidated, announced the closure of its ten locations in the United States.
Published 2 June 2017 by Yann Paulmier
In France’s deindustrialized areas, could fablabs be useful for social cohesion and returning to work? There are leads, says Yann Paulmier, cofounder of La Machinerie.
Published 12 September 2016 by Elsa Ferreira
Robotization against unemployment… At “la Fête de l’Huma”, the philosopher Bernard Stiegler and the politician Patrick Braouezec presented a European alternative.
Published 26 July 2016
Le Fabshop, c'est fini, mais son matériel va avoir une deuxième vie. Des imprimantes 3D, du matériel informatique... l'inventaire de l'entreprise malouine est mis en vente jusqu'à fin août.
Published 25 June 2016 by Olivier Blondeau
After discussing the theoretical dimension of the commons, Olivier Blondeau shows how the Github platform, well known to makers and developers, constitutes a common good.
Published 16 June 2016 by Olivier Blondeau
What are commons exactly? The defense of informational common goods presupposes the acknowledgement of former collective economic forms.
Published 8 April 2016 by Olivier Blondeau
Is the start-up the only economic model for makers? For Olivier Blondeau, it is time to find other solutions for disruptive innovation, to be found in the social economy.
Published 5 April 2016 by Carine Claude
Growth crisis? The 3D printer and promises of digital fabrication for all are struggling to make their way into households despite a high-growth global market.
Published 11 December 2015 by Philippe Silberzahn
Philippe Silberzahn, co-director of the IDEA innovation and design thinking program at the EMLYON business school, warns us about the use "lab".
Published 13 November 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Dassault Systèmes is launching the 3DExperience Lab, a start-up accelerator. Axelle Lemaire, deputy minister for digital economy, came to foster this program.
Published 19 October 2015 by Camille Bosqué
Du 16 au 18 octobre, la Maker Faire Rome, berceau des éditions européennes, a engrangé 100 000 visiteurs. Sans résoudre le hiatus entre DiY désintéressé et ambitions économiques.
Published 6 July 2015 by Quentin Chevrier
The oldest French fablab hosts start-ups. Makery met four of them.
Published 8 June 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Makery visited SenseCube in Paris, one of the rare incubators specialized in start-up projects for solidarity.
Published 16 April 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Why do open source architecture initiatives, which seek to modify the conditions and forms of construction itself, claim a likeness to Ikea?
Published 9 March 2015 by Fabien Eychenne
Fab Lab Connect is an initiative launched at the Barcelona Fab 10 by the Fab Foundation. Simone Amber details the ambition of this funding platform for open projects to replicate.
Published 19 February 2015 by Fabien Eychenne
The city of São Paulo invests 9 million reais in creating 12 fablabs until the end of the year. They will be accessible free of charge.