Column of a material maker (18)
Our material maker flew off to Africa to get her fill of Togolese, Burkinabe and Beninese inspiration for Termatière, fabrication of bio-sourced materials project.
Published 27 September 2016 by Caroline Grellier
Our material maker flew off to Africa to get her fill of Togolese, Burkinabe and Beninese inspiration for Termatière, fabrication of bio-sourced materials project.
Published 8 September 2016 by Olivier Blondeau
Once we know what the commons can be, how it can be governed and by whom, the question is: What does the commons stand for? That is, what social project does it carry?
Published 30 June 2016 by Alexis Rowell
To coincide with the first Zero Waste Festival in France from June 30th to July 2d, ecowarrior Alexis explains his life with Blanche, minimizing their impact on the environment.
Published 25 June 2016 by Olivier Blondeau
After discussing the theoretical dimension of the commons, Olivier Blondeau shows how the Github platform, well known to makers and developers, constitutes a common good.
Published 27 May 2016 by Jean-Philippe Renoult
For Makesound, Jean-Philippe Renoult's binaural sound composition series, the sound artist turned the Electrolab numerical control milling machine into a dinosaur of modern times. Headphones highly recommended!
Published 19 May 2016 by Caroline Grellier
Caroline Grellier is keeping the creation journal of Termatière, vine shoot upcycling project. Our material maker produced her first samples.
Published 18 April 2016 by Caroline Grellier
Termatière, future company specialized in recipes of 100% bio-sourced materials, begins its R&D (at last!) with support from the laboratories of Inra.
Published 14 April 2016 by Jean-Philippe Renoult
Premier opus de la série «Makesound», création sonore par Jean-Philippe Renoult pour Makery. Le son des machines des makers, réalisé en binaural pour une immersion 3D au cœur de la machine. A écouter au casque.
Published 25 March 2016 by Etienne Moreau
En six mois de pérégrinations en France, les lab-trotteurs du MakerTour ont découvert la diversité des ateliers partagés. Apparus à la fin des années 2000, les pionniers ont en commun d'avoir construit leur communauté.
Published 11 January 2016 by Caroline Grellier
The Termatière project has been under development for a year, with turbulences and accelerations. Time for a first assessment for our maker columnist, and now start-uper in bio-sourced materials.
Published 7 December 2015 by Caroline Grellier
Blizzard warning on the Termatière, a cooperative project for agricultural waste upcycling into 100% bio-sourced materials, with a decisively maker approach.
Published 13 October 2015 by Caroline Grellier
From maker to researcher, is there only one step? Caroline Grellier discussed the subject with the National institute for agronomical research (Inra) and Sup’Agro Montpellier.
Published 8 June 2015 by Caroline Grellier
Peanut shells, rice bran, cow pat and homemade moulds… Our material maker continues her inspiring immersion in Togo, at the bio-sourced local material lab.
Published 5 May 2015 by Caroline Grellier
For her agro-material design agency project La Termatière, Caroline Grellier went off to Togo to observe the activity of a research centre in local materials.
Published 6 April 2015 by Caroline Grellier
La Termatière, Caroline Grellier’s project of viticulture by-products development, must define its investments needs in order to progress from DIY to mass production.
Published 2 March 2015 by Caroline Grellier
A podium at the Paris Agricultural Show start-up contest and a meeting with scientists: the great leaps forward of Caroline Grellier's viticulture by-products upgrading project.
Published 2 February 2015 by Caroline Grellier
The designer Caroline Grellier keeps the diary of her project of viticulture by-products upgrading. Her Cooperative is now doubly incubated by Agro Valo Méditerranée and Alter’Incub.
Published 5 January 2015 by Caroline Grellier
Does a maker make a good innovator? Caroline Grellier, designer, chronicles her project “Cooperative for the upgrading of viticulture materials", incubated by Sup’Agro Montpellier.