Open Insulin, battle of the DIY diabetic
Well before biohacking junkies were injecting themselves with homemade concoctions, diabetics were hacking their own doses of insulin. Meet Anthony Di Franco, instigator of the Open Insulin project.
Published 24 April 2018 by Cherise Fong
Well before biohacking junkies were injecting themselves with homemade concoctions, diabetics were hacking their own doses of insulin. Meet Anthony Di Franco, instigator of the Open Insulin project.
Published 4 August 2015 by Isabelle Carlier
Isabelle Carlier from the organization Bandits-Mages in Bourges, France, spent a month in Santa Cruz and San Francisco with Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens for the creation of E.A.R.T.H. Lab.
Published 15 September 2014 by Ewen Chardronnet
NASA’s oldest lab applies maker culture to build the future Curiosity and Voyager.