HackteriaLab ferments isolation in Okinawa
Oki Wonder Lab just may be the most remote un-disciplinary DIYbio camp going on in the world right now. Hackteria’s latest event is currently taking place in Okinawa.
Published 30 March 2020 by Cherise Fong
Oki Wonder Lab just may be the most remote un-disciplinary DIYbio camp going on in the world right now. Hackteria’s latest event is currently taking place in Okinawa.
Published 20 March 2018 by Cherise Fong
Since 2012, Counter Culture Labs, the grassroots biohacklab in the East Bay of San Francisco, has been promoting open citizen science. A couple years ago, it also began cultivating mushroooms…
Published 31 March 2017 by Elsa Ferreira
How is the maker scene doing in the largest city of the European Union? Makery made the rounds of the digital fabrication spaces, less fablabs than makerspaces.
Published 2 August 2016 by Annick Rivoire
Interview with Thomas Landrain, president of La Paillasse, a Parisian biohacklab that has disrupted scientific research and initiates projects for open innovation.
Published 3 February 2015 by Carine Claude
Impossible to know what you're really eating? Biohackers and start-ups are making prototypes to decode our food.
Published 4 November 2014 by Quitterie Largeteau et Aurélien Dailly
Vegan cheese won the gold medal at iGEM’s first competition open to community labs. The international synthetic biology competition ended on November 3 in Boston.
Published 22 September 2014 by Ewen Chardronnet
Makery met Mary Tsang and Ben Welmond in Los Angeles, where they finishes “DIYsect”, a webdoc on biohacktivism.
Published 4 September 2014 by Ewen Chardronnet
At LA Biohackers, children, parents and hackers meet around DIY biology.
Published 9 June 2014 by Annick Rivoire
What is a fablab, a hackerspace, a makerspace? Can we believe in a "third industrial revolution"?
Published 7 June 2014 by Annick Rivoire
We are launching Makery in order to give out information on labs, these sites of creative DiY, sharing experiences and innovation.
Published 3 June 2014 by Quentin Chevrier
From fablabs to hackerspaces, they go and meet the makers' communities in America, Africa, India, Netherlands...