Make It Work: Opening the black box of climate talks
Staging mock negotiations ahead of COP21 in December is the aim of the “Theatre of Negotiations” event this week. Makery visited the construction site.
Published 26 May 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Staging mock negotiations ahead of COP21 in December is the aim of the “Theatre of Negotiations” event this week. Makery visited the construction site.
Published 22 May 2015 by Nicolas Barrial
Passing objects transform virtual reality into “surrealism” in “Lab’Surd”, installation of the researcher artist Judith Guez.
Published 17 April 2015 by Laurent Catala
Presented at the Breton Bouillants festival, the Machine To Be Another from the collective BeAnotherLab invites the user to a curious reflexive experience on the other person... and on oneself.
Published 10 April 2015 by Cherise Fong
Folded cranes dancing in sync—paper animation, puppet gadgetry, or Japanese traditional art revisited? Discover the Ugoita collective.
Published 10 February 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
How to hack a domestic knitting machines with punchcard electronics? British artist Sam Meech presented “Punchcard Economy” at Berlin's Transmediale.
Published 3 February 2015 by Cherise Fong
YCAM in Yamaguchi opens its media arts production to prototyping and open source, beginning with its in-house fablab, Edu Lab.
Published 19 January 2015 by Ewen Chardronnet
Chinese artist and designer Li Yu was at La Paillasse (biohackerspace, Paris) for a new stage of her poetic and crazy “Space Seed” project. Interview.
Published 16 December 2014 by Francis Mizio
66 artists took part on December 12-14 in the 6th Transformeurs upcycling challenge in Nantes, which attracted some 4,500 visitors.
Published 21 October 2014 by Annick Rivoire
In support of Paul McCarthy, the aggressed artist who made the vandalized sculpture in Paris, Makery presents its first explicitly adult tutorial: the DIY butt plug.
Published 30 September 2014 by Damien Bourniquel
Artist Damien Bourniquel, from the Blackboxe hackerspace in Paris, has created for Makery a cacophonic mash-up on 3D printing.
Published 8 September 2014 by Quentin Chevrier
48 hours to tackle innovation through artistic prototy
Published 22 July 2014 by Carine Claude
La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris welcomed « Earth Coding », a workshop with the artist Martin Howse.
Published 15 July 2014 by Annick Rivoire
Artists offer user instructions to 3D print the Art Deco chess set Duchamp sculpted in 1919.
Published 17 June 2014 by Cherise Fong
Wacky, playful, experimental projects at the Interactive Show 2014 of NYC Resistor, the Brooklyn-based hackerspace.
Published 7 June 2014 by la rédaction
The best way to be anonymous is to be anyone or rather… be Leo Selvaggio.