“Spare Parts” shows biomedical research through the eyes of artists in London
The new Science Gallery London presents “Spare Parts”, an exhibition about repairing the human body and manipulating living things, through May 12.
Published 29 April 2019 by Marie Albert
The new Science Gallery London presents “Spare Parts”, an exhibition about repairing the human body and manipulating living things, through May 12.
Published 15 April 2019 by Marie Albert
From March 30 to April 7, the art&tech STRP festival took over a former Philips factory in Eindhoven. Report from the 2019 edition, dedicated to exploring scenarios for a positive future.
Published 9 April 2019 by Ewen Chardronnet
In Paris, Centre Pompidou’s “Designing the Living” exhibition frames living matter as raw material for design. Makery went in to take a look.
Published 27 March 2019 by Rob La Frenais
On Sunday March 24th, a loose coalition of scientists, climate campaigners, churchgoers, anti-capitalist activists and makers arrived, symbolically in front of Paris’s Bourse.
Published 27 March 2019 by Dare Pejić
“Imagine Earth as a Planet to Discover” is the slogan of "Exoplanète Terre", an initiative examining the relationship between technology, environment, arts and sciences.
Published 11 March 2019 by Ewen Chardronnet
Makery participated in Mikrobiomik’s “Open Soil Research” workshop at the parisian Swiss Cultural Center to observe the microscopic biodiversity of soils.
Published 24 July 2018 by Annick Rivoire
For the first time in France, on July 16-20, the FAB14 conference was held under the theme “fabricating resilience”. Will fablabs fill the gaps of our collapsing world?
Published 24 July 2018 by la rédaction
Pioneer makers and young graduates of the Fab Academy, veterans of FABX and novices of the international conference of fablabs, they all have one thing in common: they were at FAB14.
Published 17 July 2018 by la rédaction
The Fab City network now includes 28 cities and regions worldwide. On July 11-13, Fab City Summit Paris mobilized a large international community, after embarking politicians and institutions.
Published 17 July 2018 by Elsa Ferreira
FAB14, the international meeting of fablabs and third part of an auspicious month of July for makers in France, is taking place in Toulouse from July 16-22. Makery is covering the event.
Published 11 July 2018 by la rédaction
As the Fab City Summit opened in Paris on July 11, Paris, Toulouse, Barcelona, Helsinki, Belo Horizonte, Groningen, Brest, the Fab City and various actors signed a Manifesto.
Published 10 July 2018 by Elsa Ferreira
The urbanist Thomas Ermacora is one of the speakers of the Fab City Summit. He explains why the future of cities is in the hands of a new generation of techno-creative people.
Published 10 July 2018 by Ewen Chardronnet
What has been happening in Brest, Brittany, since the city was certified Fab City one year ago? The week before the Fab City Summit and FAB14 opened in France, Makery investigated on site.
Published 3 July 2018 by Annick Rivoire
On July 11, before FAB14, the Fab City Summit begins. But what is the fabcity? We posed this question to co-organizers and architects Francesco Cingolani and Minh Man Nguyen.
Published 30 January 2018 by la rédaction
Hailing from Israel, Spain, Netherlands, Russia, Italy and France, they participated in the Open Source Body festival to defend their vision of open hardware for open science. Portraits.
Published 30 January 2018 by la rédaction
It’s over! A look back on the Makery festival in Paris, where for the 1st time in France the actors of Open Science Hardware met the public.
Published 19 December 2017 by Ewen Chardronnet
Makery is organizing its first big event around Open Science Hardware and open hardware for healthcare. Hitherto unseen in France.
Published 7 September 2017 by la rédaction
The annual conference of MIT-approved fablabs was held in Chile from July 31 to August 6. Constance Garnier, an expert on the French scene, reports back from Santiago.
Published 6 July 2017 by Ewen Chardronnet
The second edition of Border Sessions, the festival at the frontiers of technology, was held in The Hague on June 28-30. In its own friendly way, it pushes us to think “out of the box”.
Published 18 May 2017 by Pauline Comte
#Fablab Festival. In Toulouse, the talks, barcamps and round tables were furiously lacking in women. Makery managed to meet a few female makers, however, their pockets full of projects.